BA_PR Public Relations

Vysoká škola finanční a správní
zima 2024
2/1/0. 16 hodin KS/semestr. 6 kr. Ukončení: zk.
Kristina Lenkova, Ph.D. (cvičící)
Kristina Lenkova, Ph.D.
Sekce společenských věd (FES, KSV) – Katedra společenských věd (FES, KSV) – Katedry – Vysoká škola finanční a správní
Kontaktní osoba: Dita Egertová
Rozvrh seminárních/paralelních skupin
BA_PR/cMCPH: každou lichou středu 10:30–11:14 E404, každou lichou středu 11:15–12:00 E404, kromě St 9. 10., K. Lenkova
BA_PR/pMCPH: St 8:45–9:29 E404, St 9:30–10:15 E404, kromě St 9. 10., K. Lenkova
BA_Mar Marketing
The requirement for the completion of this course is completion of the course BA_Mar.
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je otevřen studentům libovolného oboru.
Cíle předmětu
The course is designed to explore internationally recognized major theoretical concepts and applications of communication studies in the area of Public Relations. This course will address the basic theoretical milestone topics in the PR field and their relationship and impact on stakeholders in an organizational context. Coursework is designed to encourage students to give critical consideration on the place of theory within PR practice and to apply the theories on real case analysis. The course should contribute to students‘ practical skills in performing steps for initiating communication campaigns, successful co-operation with field practitioners and application of the acquired knowledge in a real environment of professional activities.
Výstupy z učení
Learning outcomes: By the end of the course students will be able:
1. To understand the essence of the PR field and be aware of its functions, strategies and particular techniques.
2. To understand how Public Relations theory and practice developed over time and what are the newest trends in the field.
3. To become aware of different types of stakeholders involved in private and public organizations that use public relations strategies.
4. To understand the basic PR tools and get ready to start using them in practice.
5. To understand the essence and the aim of the crisis communication and learn how to handle it successfully.
6. To understand the role and the peculiarities of PR within the Integrated Marketing Communication, in the system of brand building, as well as, their importance in controlling the reputation of the organization.
7. To recognize and perform steps necessary for initiating strategic communication campaigns.
  • Course structure:
    PR – Definition and History An overview of the historical evolution of the PR field and the change of its basic characteristics and its role in society; Summarization of the most important features of PR in each of the 4 basic communication models
    The PR role in Strategic Communication Explanation of the steps in preparing a strategic communication, the goal of the strategic communication and measurement of the level of successfulness of the strategic communication
    Stakeholders‘ communication Principles and best practices in planning an effective stakeholder’s communication. Types and tools of communication, split by types of stakeholders
    Specific types of communication: Internal communication; Financial communication - Specific purposes and characteristics of the different types of communication
    PR means – Press Release Defining the key features, the target group to be address by the press release, the preparation and the most suitable ways for its distribution so that to reach its goals effectively
    PR means – Press Conference Defining the basic characteristics of the press conference, the main steps of its preparation and the key to its successful realization
    PR & Social Media - new trends in PR and can we consider SM as part of the PR
    Crisis communication Explaining when there is a need for a crisis communication management, what is the purpose of such communication, who should be involved, how to structure it so that to achieve effectively its goal
    Ethics & regulations in PR - what is it about and what are the main principles and why are they important LECTURE 10
    PR as part of the Integrated Marketing Communication Discussion on the place and role of PR within the integrated marketing communication, as well as an overview of the tools how to measure the impact of the PR field itself and within the overall marketing communication
    LECTURE 11
    Guest speaker's lecture or a field trip
    LECTURE 12
    Presentation of the Students' Term Project
    povinná literatura
  • Public Relations Handbook, Edited by Alison Theaker, Sixth Edition
  • Strategic writing, Multimedia Writing for PR, Advertising & More, Charles Marsh, David W. Guth & Bonnie Poovey Short, Fifth Edition
Výukové metody
The course consists of lectures and exercises. While the presence at lectures is highly recommended, 75% of exercise attendance is compulsory. Students will also be asked to prepare different assignments and eventually present them at the exercises. Submission of homeworks is expected to be done according to the schedule and the deadlines which will be always announced to the students well in advance.
Metody hodnocení
Grading: The grade will be structured as follows: 10% Class attendance and participation, 10% Homework #1, 10% Homework #2, 20% Term Project Assignment, 50% Final Exam GRADING SCALE: A 100-90 B 89-80 C 79-70 D 69-60 F - Below 60 Class Attendance & Participation: Student’s physical presence in class is compulsory. Exceptions are allowed only based on school permissions for on-line presence or upon previous agreements with the instructor. Participation in class is also granted a % of the total grade. Participation means contributing each and every time to the class, via discussions, answering and raising questions. Share your knowledge and point-of-view with the class. Deadlines: Communication professionals always meet deadlines that is why late assignments will not be accepted.
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele
Students attending this course should, besides recommended literature, keep track on up-to-date PR trends and professional press and professional websites. These issues will be discussed and deeper analyzed during the course.
Další komentáře
Předmět je dovoleno ukončit i mimo zkouškové období.
Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích léto 2013, léto 2014, léto 2015, zima 2022, zima 2023.
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