Detailed Information on Publication Record
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the German pension system
JAŠOVÁ, EmilieBasic information
Original name
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the German pension system
Name in Czech
Dopad pandemie COVID-19 na německý důchodový systém
Name (in English)
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the German pension system
JAŠOVÁ, Emilie
Other information
Type of outcome
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit
University of Finance and Administration
Keywords (in Czech)
OVID-19, Demografický vývoj, Trh práce, Penzijní systém, Německo
Keywords in English
COVID-19, Demographic development, Labour market, Pension system, Germany
Changed: 17/1/2024 10:41, Mgr. Tereza Denišová, DiS.
V originále
The COVID-19 pandemic was declared over in April 2023. Like the financial crisis of 2008, the pandemic outbreak had an exogenous shock effect on Germany's micro- and macroeconomic environment. This mainly affected the labor market, and after that, the Bundesregierung took measures to stabilize the labor market to prevent a dramatic increase in unemployment. The German pension system is a pay-as-you-go system that is financed on a long-term basis by demographic and economic developments. Based on these factors, projections on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on statutory pension insurance in Germany were already made in 2020. This paper compares the forecasts from 2020 with the actual development, combined with whether German pension insurance can be assessed as sustainable after the pandemic.
In Czech
Pandemie COVID-19 byla prohlášena za skončenou v dubnu 2023. Stejně jako finanční krize v roce 2008 mělo vypuknutí pandemie exogenní šokový účinek na německé mikro- a makroekonomické prostředí. To ovlivnilo především trh práce a poté Bundesregierung přijal opatření ke stabilizaci trhu práce, aby zabránil dramatickému nárůstu nezaměstnanosti. Německý důchodový systém je průběžným systémem, který je dlouhodobě financován demografickým a ekonomickým vývojem. Na základě těchto faktorů byly již v roce 2020 vytvořeny projekce o dopadech pandemie COVID-19 na zákonné důchodové pojištění v Německu. Tato práce porovnává prognózy z roku 2020 se skutečným vývojem v kombinaci s tím, zda lze německé důchodové pojištění hodnotit jako udržitelné po pandemii.
In English
The COVID-19 pandemic was declared over in April 2023. Like the financial crisis of 2008, the pandemic outbreak had an exogenous shock effect on Germany's micro- and macroeconomic environment. This mainly affected the labor market, and after that, the Bundesregierung took measures to stabilize the labor market to prevent a dramatic increase in unemployment. The German pension system is a pay-as-you-go system that is financed on a long-term basis by demographic and economic developments. Based on these factors, projections on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on statutory pension insurance in Germany were already made in 2020. This paper compares the forecasts from 2020 with the actual development, combined with whether German pension insurance can be assessed as sustainable after the pandemic.