Detailed Information on Publication Record
Trest zákazu činnosti za přestupek
MATES, Pavel and Zdeněk FIALABasic information
Original name
Trest zákazu činnosti za přestupek
Name in Czech
Trest zákazu činnosti za přestupek
Name (in English)
Penalty of prohibition of activity for a misdemeanor
MATES, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) and Zdeněk FIALA (203 Czech Republic)
Trestněprávní revue, Praha, C. H. Beck, 2024, 1213-5313
Other information
Type of outcome
Article in a journal
Field of Study
50500 5.5 Law
Country of publisher
Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit
University of Finance and Administration
Keywords (in Czech)
Přestupek, zákaz činnosti, zákaz činnosti podle zákona o silničním provozu
Keywords in English
Violation; prohibition of activity; prohibition of activity under the Road Traffic Act
Changed: 3/3/2025 07:09, Bc. Jan Peterec
V originále
Článek pojednává o trestu zákazu činnosti za přestupek, který označuje za velmi "krutou" sankci, protože se může dotknout nejen majetkové sféry pachatele, ale zužuje mu i prostor pro rodinný život, zábavu a realiaci dalších osobních potřeb.
In English
The article discusses the punishment of banning activity for an offence, which it describes as a very "cruel" sanction, because it can affect not only the offender's property sphere, but also narrows his space for family life, entertainment and the realization of other personal needs.