Detailed Information on Publication Record
Paper Recycling
STUCHLÍK, PeterBasic information
Original name
Paper Recycling
Name in Czech
Recyklace papíru
Annals of Reviews and Research, USA, Juniper Publishers, 2024, 2641-8320
Other information
Type of outcome
Article in a journal
Field of Study
10500 1.5. Earth and related environmental sciences
Country of publisher
United States of America
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit
University of Finance and Administration
Keywords (in Czech)
recyklace papíru; metoda hodnocení; výrobní postup; náklady; odpady; životní prostředí; energetická náročnost
Keywords in English
paper recycling; evaluation method; manufacturing process; cost; waste; environment; energy intensity
International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 29/10/2024 13:12, Mgr. Tereza Denišová, DiS.
V originále
Paper recycling as a model example for assessing any recycling process. A brief description of the technological process of recycled paper production. Assessment in terms of energy intensity, relative costs, biodegradability, waste generation, and wastewater pollution. Calculations were made for the most common procedures, or average values of the respective technological operations were used.
In Czech
Recyklace papíru jako modelový příklad racyklačních procesů. Stručný popis technologického procesu výroby recyklovaného papíru. Vyhodnocení z hlediska energetcké náročnosti, vzniku odpadu a znečištění odpadních vod.