J 2011

K problematice pohraničních vztahů v EU (Meinhof H. Ulrike (ed.). Living (with) Borders – Identity Discourses on East-Weast in Europe. Southampton, Ashgate 2002, 149 s.)

ROUBAL, Ondřej

Basic information

Original name

K problematice pohraničních vztahů v EU (Meinhof H. Ulrike (ed.). Living (with) Borders – Identity Discourses on East-Weast in Europe. Southampton, Ashgate 2002, 149 s.)



Marathon, Praha, 2011, 1211-8591

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Organization unit

University of Finance and Administration
Changed: 15/9/2011 09:24, Šárka Kolouchová, DiS.