J 2016

Dva reverzy k zemi ve fondu Úřad desk zemských

STARÝ, Marek

Basic information

Original name

Dva reverzy k zemi ve fondu Úřad desk zemských

Name in Czech

Dva reverzy k zemi ve fondu Úřad desk zemských

Name (in English)

Two Undertakings to the Land in the fund Office of Land Books


STARÝ, Marek (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)


Právněhistorické studie, Praha, Karolinum, 2016, 0079-4929

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

60101 History

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Institute VSFS

Keywords (in Czech)

reverz k zemi; inkolát; zemské desky; právní dějiny

Keywords in English

undertaking to the land; inkolat; land books; legal history




GA14-12236S, research and development project.
Changed: 12/6/2017 10:38, Ing. Dominika Moravcová


V originále

Zpráva o dvou reverzech k zemi, dochovaných v archivním fondu Úřad desk zemských. Vydány byly Janem Zikmundem Paugarem z Reitzenšlagu (1589) a Pavlem z Krauseneku (1605). Studie zkoumá text obou dokumentů a přináší bližší údaje o jejich vystavitelích.

In English

The report about two so called "undertakings to the land" preserved in the archive fund Office of the Land Books. They were issued by John Sigismund Paugar of Reitzenschlag (1589) and Paul of Krauseneck (1610). The study focuses on their text and brings some more detailed information about their issuers.