Korupční sítě, nebo struktury založené na vzájemném krytí?
Basic information
Original name
Korupční sítě, nebo struktury založené na vzájemném krytí?
Name in Czech
Korupční sítě, nebo struktury založené na vzájemném krytí?
Name (in English)
Corruption networks or structures based on mutual coverage?
WAWROSZ, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Scientia et Societas, Praha, Newton College, 2017, 1801-7118
Other information
Type of outcome
Článek v odborném periodiku
Field of Study
50200 5.2 Economics and Business
Country of publisher
Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
RIV identification code
Organization unit
University of Finance and Administration
Keywords (in Czech)
korupce, korupční sítě, lidský kapitál, sociální kapitál
Keywords in English
corruption; corruption networks; human capital; social capital
V originále
Článek analyzuje problematiku korupčních sítí. Zaměřuje se zejména na rizika spojená s korupcí a jak tato rizika mohou být řešena prostřednictvím korupčních sítí.
In English
The article analyses risks connected with corruption contract and how they are solved. We show that standard approach can be described as “from a regular (legal) contract to a corruption contract”. Our finding is opposite and we describe a mechanism how a corruption contract can lead to long run relationships where corruption is only one part of the relationship. Mutual blackmail, mutual coverage and mutual favour belong to the others. Thus we call a structure that such relationships create as “structure based on mutual coverage general acceptable principles”. The structure is connected with the phenomenon of positional good (positional investing) and members of the structure share “basic ideological paradigm” — common conviction what is right or wrong. We describe existing structures in the Czech Republic and shortly show how the structures can be eliminated through investing in human and social capital.
Displayed: 12/2/2025 16:50