Detailed Information on Publication Record
Mini Den D na VŠFS
BLÁBOLIL, Rudolf and Naděžda PETRŮBasic information
Original name
Mini Den D na VŠFS
Name in Czech
Mini Den D na VŠFS
Name (in English)
Mini D Day at VŠFS
BLÁBOLIL, Rudolf and Naděžda PETRŮ
XADONIA, Praha, Vysoká škola finanční a správní, a.s. 2017, 1802-792X
Other information
Type of outcome
Article in a journal
Field of Study
50600 5.6 Political science
Country of publisher
Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit
University of Finance and Administration
Keywords (in Czech)
podnikání, podnikatelský plán
Keywords in English
business, business plan
Changed: 20/10/2017 10:41, Ing. Dominika Moravcová
V originále
Máte podnikatelského ducha? Myslíte neustále na to, jak si založit vlastní podnikání? S obdivem sledujete své kamarády, kteří podnikají? Jste podnikavý jedinec, kterému nechybí vize, odvaha a kreativita? ANO? Pak jste tu správně!
In English
Do you have a business spirit? Do you always think about how to start your own business? Are you glad to watch your friends doing business? Are you an enterprising individual who has visions, courage and creativity? YES? Then you are right here! Navrhněte úpravu Do you have a business spirit? Do you always think about how to start your own business? Are you glad to watch your friends doing business? Are you an enterprising individual who has visions, courage and creativity? YES? Then you are right here!