Socioekonomické aspekty standardu a nadstandardu ve zdravotním pojištění
Základní údaje
Originální název
Socioekonomické aspekty standardu a nadstandardu ve zdravotním pojištění
Název česky
Socioekonomické aspekty standardu a nadstandardu ve zdravotním pojištění
Název anglicky
Socio-economic aspects of standard and above standard care in health insurance
MERTL, Jan (203 Česká republika, garant, domácí)
Pojistné rozpravy, Praha, Česká asociace pojišťoven, 2019, 2571-1059
Další údaje
Typ výsledku
Článek v odborném periodiku
50200 5.2 Economics and Business
Stát vydavatele
Česká republika
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Organizační jednotka
Vysoká škola finanční a správní
Klíčová slova česky
zdravotní pojištění
Klíčová slova anglicky
health insurance
V originále
The article deals with changes in the concepts of health care that have occurred since 1989 in the Czech health system. It clarifies the different stages of this development and their socio-economic importance, at the same time mentioning the factors that have significantly influenced the development. It discusses the possibilities of optimal configuration in the future and the characteristics of individual models, preferring synergic effects between the universal and voluntary part of the system and mentioning the mechanisms in the area of private expenditure that can strengthen these effects. It also justifies why reducing universally available care under a socially acceptable rate or providing it through the purchase of insurance plans on the market is not an appropriate and promising solution for Czech conditions. Ethical objections to the supply and availability of above standard care can be neutralized by robust design of universally available and cost-effective healthcare. Above standard optional care has in most of the medical branches significant potential to increase quality, utility and comfort for clients, but medical and managerial efforts are required to provide it.
The article deals with changes in the concepts of health care that have occurred since 1989 in the Czech health system. It clarifies the different stages of this development and their socio-economic importance, at the same time mentioning the factors that have significantly influenced the development. It discusses the possibilities of optimal configuration in the future and the characteristics of individual models, preferring synergic effects between the universal and voluntary part of the system and mentioning the mechanisms in the area of private expenditure that can strengthen these effects. It also justifies why reducing universally available care under a socially acceptable rate or providing it through the purchase of insurance plans on the market is not an appropriate and promising solution for Czech conditions. Ethical objections to the supply and availability of above standard care can be neutralized by robust design of universally available and cost-effective healthcare. Above standard optional care has in most of the medical branches significant potential to increase quality, utility and comfort for clients, but medical and managerial efforts are required to provide it.
Zobrazeno: 26. 2. 2025 10:53