Family Firms And Financial Literacy
Základní údaje
Originální název
Family Firms And Financial Literacy
Název česky
Rodinné firmy a finanční gramotnost
Valencia, 2169.pdf, od s. 9400-9410, 11 s. 2021
Další údaje
Typ výsledku
Stať ve sborníku
Stát vydavatele
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Forma vydání
paměťový nosič (CD, DVD, flash disk)
Organizační jednotka
Vysoká škola finanční a správní
Klíčová slova česky
Rodinné firmy, finanční gramotnost, business model
Klíčová slova anglicky
Family firms, risk aversion, financial literacy, business model
Mezinárodní význam, Recenzováno
V originále
The business model of family firms as a special type of economic subjects usually differs from the profit orientation model. On the other hand, the family character of the firm´s management does not allow to solve the financial matter with adequate knowledge and attention. This paper aims to reveal how family firms manage their finances and what is the level of the financial literacy that is reflected in it. In our study we employ the case study method. Using the semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions in personal discussion we tried to analyse how typical situations of financial management in four family firms are solved. Our findings reveal that financial matters are not the core of interest of the family firms´ owners. The investigated firms pay only a little attention to financial issues, such as budget preparation or assessment of achieved results, financial structure and other areas of financial management. To cover the tasks of the firm finances they use their own expertise and views. Only in one company the education of the second generation was targeted at the field of economics, but with a focus on marketing. In all examined companies the finance and financial gain were not the primary point of interest. In the decision making they tend to be conservative. The level of financial literacy depends on the education of family members and also on their business expertise gained before.
The business model of family firms as a special type of economic subjects usually differs from the profit orientation model. On the other hand, the family character of the firm´s management does not allow to solve the financial matter with adequate knowledge and attention. This paper aims to reveal how family firms manage their finances and what is the level of the financial literacy that is reflected in it. In our study we employ the case study method. Using the semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions in personal discussion we tried to analyse how typical situations of financial management in four family firms are solved. Our findings reveal that financial matters are not the core of interest of the family firms´ owners. The investigated firms pay only a little attention to financial issues, such as budget preparation or assessment of achieved results, financial structure and other areas of financial management. To cover the tasks of the firm finances they use their own expertise and views. Only in one company the education of the second generation was targeted at the field of economics, but with a focus on marketing. In all examined companies the finance and financial gain were not the primary point of interest. In the decision making they tend to be conservative. The level of financial literacy depends on the education of family members and also on their business expertise gained before.
Zobrazeno: 21. 2. 2025 11:58