Detailed Information on Publication Record
Trnitá cesta ke kodexu unijního správního práva procesního
SVOBODA, PavelBasic information
Original name
Trnitá cesta ke kodexu unijního správního práva procesního
Name in Czech
Trnitá cesta ke kodexu unijního správního práva procesního
Name (in English)
The thorny road to the EU Code of Administrative Procedure
SVOBODA, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
1. vyd. Praha, Liber Amicorum Monika Pauknerová, p. 463-470, 8 pp. 2021
Wolters Kluwer
Other information
Type of outcome
Chapter(s) of a specialized book
Field of Study
50501 Law
Country of publisher
Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Publication form
printed version "print"
RIV identification code
Organization unit
University of Finance and Administration
Keywords (in Czech)
EU; správní právo
Keywords in English
EU; administrative law
Changed: 25/3/2022 08:49, Pavlína Ondrová
V originále
Tento dokument mapuje cestu, kterou dosud urazila myšlenka evropského správního řádu - nařízení, které by kodifikovalo základy správního řízení pro všechny orgány EU. To se přes opakované snahy Evropského parlamentu dosud nestalo. Komise, která má v této věci iniciační monopol, preferuje relativní institucionální autonomii, tedy možnost každé z institucí EU nastavit si vlastní správní procesy v mezích primárního práva a související judikatury.
In English
This paper charts the path travelled so far by the idea of a European Administrative Procedure Code-a regulation that would codify the basics of the administrative procedure for all EU institutions. This has not yet happened despite repeated efforts by the European Parliament. The Commission, which has the monopoly of initiation in this matter, prefers relative institutional autonomy, i.e. the possibility for each of the EU institutions to set up their own administrative processes within the limits of primary law and related case law. The consequence is a situation where the main institutions adopt their rules of procedure and other rules governing their own functioning relatively autonomously. This is not an enviable situation for an EU citizen, whose interests are mainly defended by the European Parliament. The interest of the EU citizen in the codification of the Union's administrative law is obvious, as it would not only simplify the legal regulation of the EU's institutional system but also strengthen the legal certainty and democratic legitimacy of the entire EU project.