česky | in English
Name in Czech: Koordinace uzavřeného dodavatelského řetězce prostřednictvím smluv
Name (in English): Closed-Loop Supply Chain Coordination by Contracts
RIV/04274644:_____/22:#0000973 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: supply chain; closed-loop supply chain; coordination; contracts
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: PaedDr. Renata Majovská, PhD., učo 33274. Changed: 13/4/2023 14:20.
Name in Czech: České rodinné dávky a náklady: reformy, modely a smlouvy
Name (in English): Czech Family Benefits and Costs: Reforms, Regimes and Contracts
English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Czech family benefits; tax credits; childcare services; generational contract; welfare regimes
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 30/8/2022 13:57.
Name in Czech: Od startupů po kreativní mezigenerační týmy
Name (in English): From Startups to Creative Intergenerational Teams
RIV/04274644:_____/21:#0000873 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Sedláček, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Valenčík, Radim (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Startup; Creative Intergenerational Team; Game Theory; Evolutionary Stability; Innovation Potential
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 7/2/2023 14:34.
Name in Czech: Modely technologické koordinace
Name (in English): Models of Technology Coordination
RIV/04274644:_____/21:#0000966 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: networks; technology; coordination; games
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/2/2024 09:14.
Name in Czech: Strategické řízení portfolií projektů
Name (in English): Strategic management of project portfolios
RIV/04274644:_____/21:#0000793 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Fiala, Petr (guarantor) -- Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Project portfolio; Multiple criteria; Dynamics; Risk; Efficiency
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/3/2022 09:17.
RIV/04274644:_____/21:#0000857 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Farkačová, Lenka (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Cross-Generation Cooperation; Workplace; Oldest Generation; Retirement
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 7/2/2023 14:54.
Name in Czech: Univerzální a volitelná součást zdravotnického systému: způsob, jak naložit se zdravotní péčí a její financování
Name (in English): The universal and optional part of a health system: a way to handle the health care supply and financing
RIV/04274644:_____/21:#0000856 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Universal Health Care; Health Care Financing; Health Insurance; Health Financing Schemes
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 7/3/2023 07:32.
Name in Czech: Řízení kontinuity činností management systému pro přidanou hodnotu k zabezpečení připravenosti organizace na její předvídatelné nebezpečí
Name (in English): Business Continual Management System for Value Added Securing of Organization Readiness at its Predictable Perils
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000686 Proceedings paper. English. Singapore.
Burianová, Olga (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Urbánek, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: business continuity management; DYVELOP; crisis interfaces; blazons; disruptive events; Tax Value Added; continual planning
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Olga Burianová, Ph.D., učo 35238. Changed: 2/1/2022 15:22.
Name in Czech: Spotřební kultura hojnosti – ambivalence života ve společnosti blahobytu
Name (in English): Consumer Culture of Abundance – Ambivalence of Life in an Affluent Society
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000724 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Roubal, Ondřej (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: ambivalence; affluence; consumer culture; consumer decision-making; problem of choice
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Pavlína Ondrová, učo 17661. Changed: 21/3/2022 13:00.
Name in Czech: Koordinace dodavatelských řetězců aukcemi
Name (in English): Coordination of Supply Chains by Auctions
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000735 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Supply chain; coordination; auctions
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Pavlína Ondrová, učo 17661. Changed: 21/3/2022 10:38.
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000695 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Hes, Aleš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Švecová, Martina (703 Slovakia, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Communication; Cultural Custom; Higher Education; Interculturalism; Student; The Younger Generation
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 2/8/2021 09:02.
Name in Czech: Zvyšuje střední škola finanční gramotnost?
Name (in English): Does High School Education Enhance the Financial Literacy,
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000603 Proceedings paper. English. Spain.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Financial literacy; High school; Education; Financial decisions
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 12:33.
Name in Czech: Zvyšuje se finanční gramotnost během středoškolského studia?
Name (in English): Does the Financial Literacy Increase During the Secondary School Study?
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000604 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Financial literacy; Finance; Financial decision
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 12:37.
Name in Czech: Hledání rovnováhy v dodavatelských řetězcích pomocí her Biform
Name (in English): Equilibrium Searching in Supply Chains by Biform Games
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000621 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: supply chain; biform game; equilibrium
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 7/4/2021 08:30.
Name in Czech: Od výzkumu k podnikání. Počítačová simulace pomocí systémové dynamiky
Name (in English): From Research to Business. Computer Simulation by System Dynamics
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000641 Proceedings paper. English. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Mildeová, Stanislava (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Lánský, Jan (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: System Dynamics; Research; Business; Simulation; Computer Science; Model
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 8/4/2021 07:59.
Name in Czech: Audit komunikace Generace Snowflake
Name (in English): Generation Snowflake Communication Audit
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000689 Proceedings paper. English. Slovenia.
Kupec, Václav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Audit; Communication; Generation Snowflake; Generation Z; Management; Marketing
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 5/10/2021 07:36.
Name in Czech: Na cestě ke změnám v CSR Reportingu
Name (in English): On the way to changes in CSR Reporting
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000728 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Pavlát, Vladislav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: content analysis; corporate social responsibility (CSR); corporate social responsibility reports; CSR report quality; CSR reports terminology
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Pavlína Ondrová, učo 17661. Changed: 21/3/2022 12:43.
Name in Czech: Zásada předvídatelnosti hrozeb daňových sankcí v právním systému
Name (in English): Predictability Principle of Tax Sanctions Threats in the Legal System
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000687 Proceedings paper. English. Singapore.
Burianová, Olga (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Urbánek, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Business Continuity; Dynamic Vector Logistics of Processes Method; Security Risks; Tax Sanctions; Tax Code; Tax Attribution (VAT Sanction); Value Added Tax
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Olga Burianová, Ph.D., učo 35238. Changed: 2/1/2022 15:19.
Name in Czech: K tvorbě fiskálního prostoru pro zdravotnictví
Name (in English): To the creation of fiscal space for health
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000670 Proceedings paper. Czech. Czech Republic.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: fiscal space; health insurance; earmarked taxation
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 3/6/2021 09:09.
Name in Czech: Na pozici účetní profese v České republice
Name (in English): To the Position of the Accounting Profession in the Czech Republic.
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000729 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Jindřichovská, Irena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: accounting profession; audit; Industry 4.0; tax advisors; role of accountant in society
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Pavlína Ondrová, učo 17661. Changed: 21/3/2022 12:29.
Name in Czech: Důležitost aliance a bezpečnostní kontinuita financování evropského rozpočtu
Name (in English): Alliance Importance and Security Continuity of Funding European Budget
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000584 Proceedings paper. English. Germany.
Burianová, Olga (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Urbánek, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Security of funding; Value Added Tax; European reverse charge; Crisis scenarios; Dynamic Vector Logistics of Processes
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/4/2021 11:16.
Name in Czech: Analýza odchodu studentů bakalářského studia na VŠE
Name (in English): Analyzing Bachelor Students Dropout at the University of Economics, Prague
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000475 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Berka, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Vrabec, Michal (203 Czech Republic) -- Marek, Luboš (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: bachelor study; dropout; contingency tables; decision trees
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 09:09.
Name in Czech: Přímá volby starostů (primátorů) a hejtmanů a možný dopad na výkon veřejné správy
Name (in English): Direct elections of mayors (lord mayors) and governors and their possible impact on the performance of public administration
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000537 Proceedings paper. Czech. Czech Republic.
Čechák, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Constitution; constitutional law; direct democracy; direct election of mayors/governors; municipal/regional council; local/regional/ referendum
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 22/4/2020 09:09.
Name in Czech: Model finančních toků bezpečnostní kontinuity inkasa daně z přidané hodnoty v prostředí EU
Name (in English): Dynamic Model of the Finance Flows Secure Continuity into European Value Added Tax Environments
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000583 Proceedings paper. English. Singapore.
Urbánek, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Burianová, Olga (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Security of finance flows continuity; Czech tax system environments; European reverse charge; Dynamic Vector Logistics of Processes Method; Internal and external threats
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 16/8/2022 14:17.
Name in Czech: Úspory z rozsahu a jejich vliv na výši pachtovného u fyzických a právnických osob
Name (in English): Economies of scale and their influence on the amount of rent for natural and legal persons
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000588 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Mareš, David (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Procházková, Radka (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Economies of scale;rent; natural persons; legal persons.
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:19.
Name in Czech: Erasmus+ jako zdroj Best Practice
Name (in English): Erasmus+ as a source of the Best Practice
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000587 Proceedings paper. English. Spain.
Budík, Josef (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Schlossberger, Otakar (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Erasmus+; experiences; innovations; Ishikawa diagram
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:01.
Name in Czech: Globální komunikační prostředí pro trhy B2B
Name (in English): Global Communication environment for B2B Markets
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000557 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Hes, Aleš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Industry 4.0; B2B market; cloudcomputing; intercultural communication; globalization
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 11/5/2020 12:55.
Name in Czech: Vliv hypoxie na stabilitu dynamického biometrického podpisu
Name (in English): Influence of Hypoxia on the Stability of the Dynamic Biometric Signature.
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000585 Proceedings paper. English. India.
Smejkal, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Onisčenko, Boris (203 Czech Republic) -- Kodl, Jindřich (203 Czech Republic) -- Tesař, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: dynamic biometric signature; hypobaric chamber; brain hypoxia; stability of a dynamic biometric signature
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 21/4/2021 08:26.
Name in Czech: Je finanční gramotnost ovlivněna studijním oborem? (Srovnání specializovaných středních škol)
Name (in English): Is the Financial Literacy Affected by the Field of Study? (a Comparison of Specialised Secondary Schools)
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000580 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Jindřichovská, Irena (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Financial literacy; Secondary school; Finance; Management of family finance
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/4/2021 10:44.
Name in Czech: Modelování studijní neúspěšnosti pomocí statisitckých a data miningových metod
Name (in English): Modeling Students Dropout Using Statistical and Data Mining Methods
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000589 Proceedings paper. English. France.
Berka, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Marek, Lubos (203 Czech Republic) -- Vrabec, Michal (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: student dropout; logistic regression; decision trees; association rules
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:22.
Name in Czech: Navrhování projektového portfolia při riziku
Name (in English): Project portfolio designing under risk
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000590 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: project portfolio; multiple criteria; risk; dynamics
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:26.
Name in Czech: Znalost studentů matematických definic
Name (in English): Students’ knowledge of mathematical definitions
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000594 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Ulrychová, Eva (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Bílková, Diana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: mathematics; definition; student; gender
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:39.
Name in Czech: Podávání zpráv o udržitelnosti v odvětví vystaveném životnímu prostředí
Name (in English): Sustainability Reporting in Environmentally Exposed Sector
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000581 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Jindřichovská, Irena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: CSR; environment; mining; safety
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/4/2021 10:49.
Name in Czech: Zdanění příjmů OSVČ a zaměstnanců
Name (in English): Tax treatment of self-employed and employee incomes
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000489 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Personal income tax; Social security contributions; Self-employed; Employee taxation; Single director; Corporate income tax
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:24.
Name in Czech: Erotický kapitál mužů v perspektivě marketingové komunikace
Name (in English): The Erotic Capital of Men from the Perspective of the Sociology of Marketing Communication
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000721 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Roubal, Ondřej (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Beauty; physical attractiveness; erotic capital; men; success; marketing communication
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 8/6/2022 11:29.
Name in Czech: The Perception of the Financial Reporting and Accounting Profession in Different Cultural Environments: A Comparison of the Czech Republic, the China Republic, Great Britain and Ireland
Name (in English): The Perception of the Financial Reporting and Accounting Profession in Different Cultural Environments: A Comparison of the Czech Republic, the China Republic, Great Britain and Ireland
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000586 Proceedings paper. English. Spain.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Cultural differences; financial reporting; accounting profession; professional education; accounting rules
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/4/2021 12:46.
Name in Czech: Osobní cloudové úložiště výukových materiálů jako inovativní nástroj v podnikovém vzdělávání
Name (in English): The Personal Learning Cloud As an Innovative Tool in Corporate Training
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000609 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Knihová, Ladislava (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Pavlát, Vladislav (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Digitální studující; mikrocertifikace; osobní výukové cloudové úložiště; personalizované učení; výukové prostředí; mezera v transferu dovedností
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:51.
Name in Czech: Praktická zkušenost s výukou podporovanou počítačem a komunikačními technologiemi
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000579 Proceedings paper. English. Spain.
Schlossberger, Otakar (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Budík, Josef (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Pedagogical research; computer; technology; learning; experiences
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/4/2021 10:41.
Name in Czech: Společenská odpovědnost profesionálních fotbalových klubů v České republice
Name (in English): The Social Responsibility of Professional Football Clubs in the Czech Republic
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000493 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Kunz, Vilém (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Tomčík, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Social Responsibility in Sport; Football; Premier League; Fortuna League
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 12:07.
Name in Czech: Identifikační číslo vozidla - anatomie výskytu chyby
Name (in English): Vehicle identification number – anatomy of error occurrence
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000582 Proceedings paper. English. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Rak, Roman (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Vehicle Identification; VIN
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/4/2021 11:08.
Name in Czech: Video v programech formálního a neformálního vzdělávání
Name (in English): Video in Formal and Informal Learning Programmes
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000853 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Hronová, Štěpánka (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Knihová, Ladislava (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Digital learner; Corporate education; ESP - English for Specific Purposes; Multimedia; Tertiary Education; Video learning
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 8/2/2023 07:56.
Name (in English): About the Abuse Options of the Dynamic Biometric Signature
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000443 Proceedings paper. English. Canada.
Smejkal, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Kodl, Jindřich (203 Czech Republic) -- Hortai, František (203 Czech Republic) -- Tesař, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: dynamic biometric signature; forgery of the dynamic biometric signature of another person; static and dynamic characteristics of a signature; security of a dynamic biometric signature
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 4/10/2022 14:06.
Name in Czech: Pokročilé controllingové informační systémy jako nástroj pro soudržnost a konkurenceschopnost Evropské Unie
Name (in English): Advanced Controlling and Information Systems Methods as a Tool for Cohesion and Competitiveness of the European Union
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000351 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Písař, Přemysl (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Havlíček, Karel (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: controlling; management; ERP; Europe Union; SMEs
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 24/7/2019 12:20.
Name (in English): Application of Biform Games
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000368 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
Keywords in English: biform game; supply chain; co-opetition; environmental negotiation;
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 22/3/2019 10:29.
Name (in English): Combinatorial Auctions and Duality Theory
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000367 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: combinatorial auction; duality theory; iterative approach; primal-dual algorithm;
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 22/3/2019 10:33.
Name in Czech: Kapitálové náklady v podmínkách malých a středních podniků v České Republice: předběžní studie
Name (in English): Cost on Equity in the Condition of SMEs in the Czech Republic: A Preliminary Study
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000326 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Kapitálové náklady; malé a střední podniky; riziková premie; modulární metody
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Ing. Dana Kubíčková, CSc., učo 5028. Changed: 6/4/2020 12:15.
Name in Czech: Uzpůsobování EFL materiálů
Name (in English): Customization of EFL Materials
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000468 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Hronová, Štěpánka (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Customization; Education; English as a Foreign Language (EFL); Teaching and learning materials; Technologies
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 14:37.
Name (in English): Employees´ prospects in selected sectors of the CR food industry
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000578 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Mareš, David (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Procházková, Radka (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Food industry; employees; personnel costs; labour productivity; gross value added;
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 09:08.
Name in Czech: Evaluace marketingových aktivit v rodinném podnikání
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000333 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Petrů, Naděžda (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Zich, František (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Family business; Marketing; Marketing 4.0.; Marketing communication; Marketing vitality; Trend communication technologies
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 2/4/2019 09:22.
Name in Czech: HDP a Dynamické parametry intensity a extensity - výpočet pro Česko a Německo za období 1991 - 2017.
Name (in English): GDP and Dynamic Intensity and Extensity Parameters - Calculation for the Czech Republic and Germany in the Period 1991 - 2017
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000325 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Wawrosz, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Mihola, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Kotěšovcová, Jana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: GDP development; Dynamic intensity parameter; Dynamic extensity parameter; Czech Republic; Germany
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 26/7/2022 09:49.
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000421 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Hes, Aleš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: intercultural communication; globalization; foreign students; education
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/9/2021 10:26.
Name in Czech: Dopad zpráv CSR o příjmech společností registrovaných v PSE
Name (in English): Impact of CSR Reports on PSE Listed Companies' Income
RIV/26138077:_____/18:#0000910 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Pavlát, Vladislav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Lánský, Jan (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Corporate social responsibility; Stock exchanges - The Prague Stock Exchange; IFRS Standards; CSR reports; ISO 26000
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/5/2019 07:33.
Name in Czech: Treansfer znalostí: příliš vzdálený most?
Name (in English): Learning Transfer: a Bridge Too Far?
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000455 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Knihová, Ladislava (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Pavlát, Vladislav (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Assessment; Innovative training methods; Knowledge transfer; Open education; SMEs.
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 10:37.
Name in Czech: Modelování koordinace zásobovací sítě
Name (in English): Modeling of supply network coordination
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000440 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
Keywords in English: supply network; coordination; game theory; auctions; contracts
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 10:29.
Name in Czech: Postgraduální penzijní nadstavba: nástroj podpory aktivního stárnutí
Name (in English): Postgraduate pension system´s extension: support tool for active ageing
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000336 Proceedings paper. English. Poland.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Mihola, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Valenčík, Radim (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Bosák, Jan (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: pensions; active ageing; pension system´s extension
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 3/9/2019 12:28.
Name in Czech: Proč není lidský kapitál využíván efektivně?
Name (in English): Why Is not Human Capital Used Effectively?
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000432 Proceedings paper. Czech. Czech Republic.
Jurásek, Miroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Lidský kapitál; Teorie her; Investování do pozic; Modelová hra Titanic
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:54.
Name in Czech: Měli bychom podporovat pouze chudé děti? Vybrané trendy v české rodinné politice 1993-2017
Name (in English): Should We Support Only Poor Children? Selected Trends in Czech Family Policy 1993-2017
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000348 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Turková, Ivana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: family policy; taxation; family allowances; welfare state; social policy
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 26/7/2022 09:12.
Name in Czech: Daňové klíny a náklady práce
Name (in English): Tax Wedges and Labour Costs
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000334 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Taxing wages; Tax Wedge; Compulsory payment wedge; Income tax; Social security contributions; Welfare regimes
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 7/3/2019 08:57.
Name in Czech: Rechnická penzijní a daňová reforma pro Česko
Name (in English): Technical pension and tax reform for Czechia
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000380 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: pension reform ; tax reform ; personal income tax ; social security contributions ; healthcare financing
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 26/7/2022 09:40.
Name (in English): The concept and content of education for the accounting profession at universities in selected European countries
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000360 Proceedings paper. English. Spain.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Cultural differences; financial reporting; accounting practice;
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2019 13:31.
Name in Czech: Výzvy učení a výuky cizích jazyků s využitím mobilních aplikací
Name (in English): The Challenges of Mobile-App-Based Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000328 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Knihová, Ladislava (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Mobile applications; student engagement; mobile-app based instruction; peer-to-peer learning; gamification of learning
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2019 09:49.
Name in Czech: Rizika spojená s „dánským scénářem“ zapojení české koruny do ERM II
Name (in English): The risks associated with the “Danish scenario” for the participation of the Czech koruna in the ERM II
RIV/26138077:_____/18:#0000912 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Helísek, Mojmír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: euro area enlargement; ERM II; exchange rate; currency crisis
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 13:59.
Name (in English): The SEPA Project as a Tool for European Integration in Payment System
RIV/26138077:_____/18:#0000904 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Schlossberger, Otakar (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Budík, Josef (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: SEPA; payment system; cross-border payment; SEPA instruments
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 18/4/2019 10:30.
Name in Czech: Audit selektivní pozornosti kupujícího v online prostředí
Name (in English): Audit of a Buyer’s Selective Attention in the Online Environment
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000433 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Kupec, Václav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Audit; Attention; Generation Z; Communication; Management; Marketing.
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 13:44.
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000216 Proceedings paper. Management, administration and clerical work. English. Czech Republic.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bankruptcy models; prediction ability; financial indicators; predictors of financial distress; MDA assumption; normal distribution
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2018 08:49.
Name in Czech: Český daňový mix a sociální modely zdanění práce
Name (in English): Czech Tax Mix and Welfare Regimes of Labour Taxation
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000427 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Czech tax mix; labour costs; welfare regimes; social security contributions
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:10.
Name in Czech: Determinanty nákupního chování generace Y
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000434 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Hes, Aleš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Buying behavior; Communication; Digital environment; Generation Y; Marketing.
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 14:11.
Name in Czech: Výkon veřejné správy statutárními městy – současný stav, problémy k řešení
Name (in English): Development of Public Administration by Statutory Cities – Current Situation, Problems to be Solved
Management, administration and clerical work. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: territorial and administrative division; city district; borough; own and delegated competence; statutory city
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 15/7/2022 14:06.
Name in Czech: Jak lze hodnotit intenzita firemního vývoje
Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Company productivity; efficiency; process and organizational innovation; intensity; extensity
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 26/7/2022 13:06.
Name in Czech: Changing Implementation of IFRS in Czech SMES: Longitudial study.
Name (in English): Changing Implementation of IFRS in Czech SMES: Longitudial study.
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000430 Proceedings paper. Management, administration and clerical work. English. Czech Republic.
Jindřichovská, Irena (203 Czech Republic) -- Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: IFRS; Institutional factors; Legal factors; SMEs.
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:39.
Name in Czech: Zlepšení udržitelnosti lidských zdrojů prostřednictvím rozšíření důchodového systému
Name (in English): Improving sustainability of human resources through pension system extension
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000315 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Valenčík, Radim (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: pension systems; statutory retirement age; merit-based pension system; productive employment
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 2/4/2019 14:03.
Name in Czech: Indexace starobních důchodů
Name (in English): Indexation of Old Age Pensions
Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: flat-rate pension; housing benefit; indexation; old-age pensions; solidarity
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 23/8/2022 08:47.
Name in Czech: Inovace, nová pravidla a požadavky na vzdělávání
RIV/26138077:_____/17:#0000894 Proceedings paper. Pedagogy and education. English. Spain.
Budík, Josef (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Schlossberger, Otakar (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Ezr, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Finance; supervision; anti money laundering.
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 25/10/2018 13:40.
Name in Czech: Licenční smlouvy v kontextu nového občanského zákoníku
Name (in English): Licence Agreements in the Context of the New Civil Code
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000426 Proceedings paper. Legal sciences. English. Czech Republic.
Janků, Martin (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: civil law; Commercial Code; Civil Code; licensing agreement; licensor; licensee; royalty
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 8/6/2022 10:16.
Name in Czech: Mobilní aplikace ve vzdělávání IFRS
Name (in English): Mobile Applications in IFRS Education
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000318 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Pavlát, Vladislav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Knihová, Ladislava (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Accounting standards; convergence with IFRS; IFRS education; mobile educational application; mobile learning solution
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 18/4/2019 10:33.
Name (in English): Prepaid Schemes in Czech Health Care System
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000431 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: health insurance; universal health care system; prepaid schemes
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 11:35.
Name in Czech: Výzkum socio-ekonomické situace populace České republiky prostřednictvím makroekonomický faktorů
Name (in English): Research of the socio–economic situation of the population of the Czech republic by way of macroeconomic factors.
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000429 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Mareš, David (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Dlasková, Gabriela (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Gross domestic product; final consumption; expenditure of households; gross national savings;
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 12:55.
Name in Czech: Vliv projektu SEPA na český bankovní trh
Name (in English): SEPA influence on the czech banking market
RIV/26138077:_____/17:#0000893 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Schlossberger, Otakar (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: SEPA project; SCT; SDD; cross-border payments; terms and conditions
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/3/2018 09:06.
Name in Czech: Stabilita dynamického biometrického podpisu na různých zařízeních
Name (in English): Stability of a dynamic biometric signature created on various devices
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000428 Proceedings paper. Informatics. English. Spain.
Smejkal, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Kodl, Jindřich (203 Czech Republic) -- Sieger, Ladislav (203 Czech Republic) -- Hortai, František (203 Czech Republic) -- Tesař, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Dynamic biometric signature; biometric data of the signature; stability of the dynamic biometric signature; dynamic biometric signature capture device
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 18/5/2020 12:39.
Name in Czech: Profese účetních v různých prostředích: Srovnání České republiky a Činy
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000317 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Jindřichovská, Irena (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: accounting profession; financial reporting; national environment; cultural differences
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dana Kubíčková, CSc., učo 5028. Changed: 9/5/2019 22:40.
Name in Czech: Omašličkovaná zdravotní daň jako zdroj financování univerzální zdravotní péče v České republice
Name (in English): The earmarked health tax as a resource for financing universal health care in Czechia
English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Health tax; public finance
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/8/2020 07:52.
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000419 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Hes, Aleš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Social innovations; values; communication; globalism; postmodern society
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 7/6/2022 14:54.
Name (in English): The impact of macroeconomic indicators on sovereign rating
English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: macroeconomic factors; sovereign rating; gross domestic product; inflation
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 26/7/2022 13:33.
English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: dynamic parameter, effectiveness, intensity, extensity, profitability
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 26/7/2022 13:28.
Name (in English): Using Asymmetric Copulas in Risk Management
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000319 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Jeřábek, Tomáš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Value at Risk; Copula Asymmetric Dependence; GARCH Volatility
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 19/5/2020 10:49.
Name in Czech: Atraktivita řemesel a živnostenská budoucnost
Name (in English): Crafts’ Attractiveness and Future Entrepreneurship
RIV/04274644:_____/16:#0000208 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Břečková, Pavla (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: craft; entrepreneurship; craft attractiveness
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2018 08:17.
RIV/04274644:_____/16:#0000204 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Spain.
Budík, Josef (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Schlossberger, Otakar (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Ezr, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: e-learning; financial investigation; training programme; direct foreign investment; analysis; visualisation; risk
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/3/2018 09:46.
Name in Czech: Jak zaplatit za zdraví: vybrané makroekonomické aspekty zdravotních rozpočtů
Name (in English): How to pay for health: selected macroeconomic aspects of health budgets
RIV/04274644:_____/16:#0000209 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: health insurance; health expenditure; economic cycle; health systems
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2018 08:05.
Name (in English): On Pitfalls of Standard-Setting
RIV/04274644:_____/16:#0000210 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Pavlát, Vladislav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: IFRS standards; standards classification; barriers to standards implementation
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/3/2018 09:58.
Name in Czech: Koncept a obsah vzdělávání pro účetní profesi na univerzitách ve vybraných evropských zemích
Name (in English): The concept and content of education for the accounting profession at universities in selected European countries
RIV/04274644:_____/16:#0000205 Proceedings paper. Pedagogy and education. English. Spain.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: professional education; accounting profession; university education
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/3/2018 10:12.
Name in Czech: Fiskalizace dětských dávek
Name (in English): The Fiscalization of Child Benefits
RIV/04274644:_____/16:#0000206 Proceedings paper. Management, administration and clerical work. English. Czech Republic.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: child benefit ; tax expenditure ; tax rebate ; public administration ; social administration
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/3/2018 10:13.
Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Changed by: Romana Klinecká, DiS., učo 30824. Changed: 23/9/2016 13:03.
Name in Czech: Přijetí IFRS v podmínkách českých malých a středních podniků - přehled o účetní praxi
Name (in English): IFRS Adoption in Conditions of Czech SMES – Insight into the Accounting Practice
Management, administration and clerical work. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Effects of IFRS implementation;Accounting harmonization;Small and medium enterprises
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 31/7/2017 12:45.
Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Changed by: Mgr. Patricie Štruncová, učo 7054. Changed: 31/7/2015 09:53.
Name in Czech: Projekt Dunaj-Odra-Labe – vliv na rozvoj regionu
Name (in English): Project Danube-Oder-Elbe - impact on development of the region
Economics. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: region; development; water corridor; region; impact; economic benefits; environment
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 5/9/2017 09:46.