česky | in English
Name in Czech: O italském hardcorovém frontmanovi a jeho asimilaci v Československu
Name (in English): An Italian HC Frontman Melded into Czechoslovakia
RIV/04274644:_____/21:#0000720 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. English. Czech Republic.
Maiello, Giuseppe (380 Italy, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Cichá, Martina (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Post-Socialist space; Czechoslovakia; Autoetnography; Punk Studies
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: doc. Giuseppe Maiello, Ph.D., učo 27773. Changed: 24/2/2023 14:05.
Name in Czech: Uzavírání smluv podle nového občanského zákoníku v ČR a uzavírání smluv ve Slovenské republice
Name (in English): Conslusion of Contracts under the new Civil Code into the Czech Republic and insight into the Slovak Legislation
English. Canada.
Keywords in English: business code, civil code, conslusion of contracts, essential elements of contracts
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 12/3/2021 07:46.
Name in Czech: Analýza přežití kryptoměn
Name (in English): Cryptocurrency Survival Analysis
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000708 Article in a journal. English. United States of America.
Lánský, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: cryptocurrency; survival analysis; Bitcoin; exchange; token; trading
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 28/3/2022 13:25.
Name in Czech: Český důchodový (ne)systém vyžaduje zásadní reformu
Name (in English): The Czech pension (non)system requires fundamental reform
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000600 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: flat rate pension; social pension insurance; social security contributions; personal pensions; personal income tax
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 15/4/2021 10:51.
Name in Czech: Dobrá víra ve správním právu
Name (in English): Good faith in administrative law
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000608 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Mates, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Good faith; administrative law; administrative order; offenses
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 13:40.
Name in Czech: Zvyšuje střední škola finanční gramotnost?
Name (in English): Does High School Education Enhance the Financial Literacy,
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000603 Proceedings paper. English. Spain.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Financial literacy; High school; Education; Financial decisions
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 12:33.
Name in Czech: Zvyšuje se finanční gramotnost během středoškolského studia?
Name (in English): Does the Financial Literacy Increase During the Secondary School Study?
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000604 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Financial literacy; Finance; Financial decision
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 12:37.
Name in Czech: Hledání rovnováhy v dodavatelských řetězcích pomocí her Biform
Name (in English): Equilibrium Searching in Supply Chains by Biform Games
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000621 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: supply chain; biform game; equilibrium
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 7/4/2021 08:30.
Name in Czech: Europeizace soukromého práva a Zásady evropského smluvního práva (PECL)
Name (in English): Europeisation of the ptivate law and the Principles of the European Contract Law (PECL)
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000610 Book on a specialized topic. Czech. Czech Republic.
Janků, Martin (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: international private law; European private law; Lando commission; PECL
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 13:52.
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000593 Proceedings paper. English. Germany.
Pavlák, Miroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Petrů, Naděžda (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Blažek, Lukáš (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: start-up; competitiveness; innovation; competitive advantage; key success factors
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 10/6/2022 09:17.
Name in Czech: Jaká výška pádu je smrtelná?
Name (in English): What fall height is death?
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Criminalistics, Forensic biomechanics, height falls
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 12/3/2021 07:19.
Name in Czech: Jakou reformu penzí pro ČR a proč?
Name (in English): What pension reform for the Czech Republic and why?
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000612 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Valenčík, Radim (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: pension; pension reform; length of life
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 16/4/2021 11:56.
Name in Czech: K obecnému rozhodčímu soudu v ČR
Name (in English): To the general Arbitration Court in the Czech Republic
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000606 Article in a journal. Czech. Slovakia.
Kubiček, Pavol (703 Slovakia) -- Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Arbitration Court; Rules of the Arbitration Court; Dispute; Arbitration; the Arbitrator
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 7/4/2021 09:12.
Name in Czech: K problematice závěrů soudních znalců při dokazování v trestním řízení
Name (in English): Concerning the conclusion of experts in the evidence in criminal proceedings
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Expert conclusions; evidence; expert examination; formal logic; object identification; system identification; biometric identification
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 12/5/2020 09:08.
Name in Czech: K rozhodčímu řízení v České republice a Slovenské republice ( k obecným rozhodčím soudům)
Name (in English): Abouth the Arbitration Proceding in Czech Republic and Slovak Rewpublic ( abouth general arbitration courts)
Czech. Poland.
Keywords in English: Arbitration Court; Rules of the Arbitration Court; Dispute; Arbitration; the Arbitrator
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 24/3/2020 08:59.
Name in Czech: K tiché společnosti ve smyslu českého občanského zákoníku
Name (in English): The silent society in the sense of the Czech Civil Code
Czech. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: business law; civil law; civil code; contract; silent society
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 19/3/2020 14:35.
Name in Czech: Marketingové nástroje v éře digitalizace a jejich využití v praxi ne/rodinných firem
Name (in English): Marketing tools in the era of digitization and their use in practice by family and other businesses
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000601 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
Petrů, Naděžda (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Stuchlík, Peter (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Family business; non-family companies; trend tools; marketing vitality; Marketing 4.0; digitization
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 12:24.
Name in Czech: Média a kultura. Od primární orální kultury ke konstrukci kyber-prostorových identit v éře digitální komunikace
Name (in English): Media and culture. From primary oral culture to the construction of cyber-spatial identities in the era of digital communication
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000591 Book on a specialized topic. Czech. Czech Republic.
Maiello, Giuseppe (380 Italy, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Roubal, Ondřej (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Media; mass media; cyberspace; globalization; Marshall McLuhan
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 11:18.
Name (in English): Modeling the Design Phase of Sustainable Supply Chains
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000597 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. English. United States of America.
Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Biform Games; Co-opetition; De Novo Optimization; Multiple Agents; Multiple Criteria Analysis; Supply Chain; Supply Chain Management; Supply Chain Sustainability;
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 12:03.
Name in Czech: Některé dílčí poznatky z bezpečnostního výzkumu zaměřeného na konstituování bezpečnostních věd, jako samostatného vědního oboru za léta 2005–2019
Name (in English): Some partial knowledge from security research focused on constitution of security sciences as an independent scientific field over the years 2005–2019
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Security research, phenomenon of security, security sciences, categories of security, need and transfer of scientific knowledge, security theory and practice.
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/5/2020 08:15.
Name in Czech: Nová změna zákona o zadávání veřejných zakázek
Name (in English): On the Upcoming Amendment to the Public Procurement Act
Czech. Poland.
Keywords in English: law; civil law; commercial law; administrative law; contract; public contract
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 24/3/2020 09:03.
Name in Czech: Novodobý vývoj a stav vězeňství v České a Slovenské republice
Name (in English): Modern development and state of prison in the Czech and Slovak Republic
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000598 Book on a specialized topic. Czech. Czech Republic.
Brunová, Markéta (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: prison; Czechoslovak prison; imprisonment in unconditional form; imprisonment; prison; constitution for imprisonment; scheme of regulation; status of convicts; rights and duties of convicts; program of treatment; placement; relocation;
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 12:18.
Name in Czech: Pád z výšky a počítačová simulace
Name (in English): Fall from height and computer simulation
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Criminalistics; Forensic biomechanics; height falls; computer simulation
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 12/3/2021 07:20.
Name in Czech: Pacht nejen pro praxi obcí - část 1.
Name (in English): The smithy not only in practice of municipalities - Part 1
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; the smithy
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. JUDr. Karel Marek, CSc., učo 30051. Changed: 6/5/2020 06:04.
Name in Czech: Péče o zdraví
Name (in English): Health Care
RIV: Article in a journal. Czech. Slovakia.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Civil code; health care; health care provider; principal; treated
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 7/4/2021 09:14.
Name in Czech: Populismus jako symptom strukturální proměny společnosti a demokracie (exkurs do německé akademické debaty)
Name (in English): Populism as a symptom of structural transformation of society and democracy (excursion to the German academic debate)
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000596 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Czech. Czech Republic.
Potocký, Tomislav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: populism; democracy; academic discourse
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 12:02.
Name in Czech: Produktivní spotřeba a ekonomická komunikace
Name (in English): Productive consumption and economic communication
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000613 Article in a journal. Russian. Russian Federation.
Valenčík, Radim (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 14:10.
Name in Czech: Znovu potvrzující identitu prostřednictvím obrázků. Komodifikace lluze v současné prezentaci sebe sama
Name (in English): Reaffirming Identity Through Images. The commodification of llusions in the Contemporary Presentation of Self
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000623 Article in a journal. English. Spain.
Cirklová, Jitka (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: commodification of identity; consumer culture; marketing; mass aesthetic; portrait photography; commodification of heritage.
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 7/4/2021 08:37.
Name in Czech: Obyvatelské právo v průběhu času: změny v právním institutu inkolátu v zemích Koruny české
Name (in English): Residential Right in the Course of Time: Changes in the Legal Institution of the Inkolat in the Bohemian Crown Lands
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000599 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. English. Netherlands.
Brňovják, Jiří (203 Czech Republic) -- Starý, Marek (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: legal history; early modern ages; residential right; nobility
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 15/4/2021 10:50.
Name in Czech: Smlouva o nájmu nejen v praxi obcí (2)
Name (in English): Contract of lease not only in praktice of munipalities (2)
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; lease
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 20/3/2020 09:19.
Name in Czech: Smlouva o nájmu nejen v praxi obcí (3)
Name (in English): Contract of lease not only in praktice of munipalities (3)
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; lease
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 20/3/2020 08:43.
Name in Czech: Smlouva o nájmu nejen v praxi obcí (4)
Name (in English): Contract of lease not only in praktice of munipalities (4)
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; lease
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 19/3/2020 14:29.
Name (in English): Account, Letter of Credit, Agreement, Treaties about Collection
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000617 Article in a journal. Czech. Slovakia.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: law; civil law; current account agreement; letter of credit; contract on opening a letter of credit; treaty about the collection
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 7/4/2021 07:58.
Name in Czech: Sociální modely odškodňování pracovních úrazů a české zákonné pojištění odpovědnosti zaměstnavatele
Name (in English): Social Workers’ Compensation Models and the Czech Statutory Employer Liability Insurance
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000852 Article in a journal. English. Germany.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Workers’ Compensation; Welfare Regimes; Social Accident Insurance; Czech Social Reforms; Beveridge; Bismarck
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 8/2/2023 07:46.
Name in Czech: Teorie práva a středoevropský konstitucionalismus v postmoderní situaci multikulturalismu
Name (in English): Theory of law and Central European constitutionalism in the postmodern situation of multiculturalism
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000628 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Czech. Czech Republic.
Zoubek, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: theory of law; multiculturalism
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2021 08:26.
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000592 Article in a journal. English. Romania.
Cirklová, Jitka (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Value; models; cultural creativism; kosher diet; minimalism
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 16/4/2021 12:08.
Name in Czech: Trestní řád: § 302 až § 471
Name (in English): Criminal procedure code
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000607 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Czech. Czech Republic.
Bruna, Eduard (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: law; criminal law; criminal code; criminal procedure code; implementatiton of criminal law; application of criminal law
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 13:06.
Name in Czech: Česká republika a Slovenská republika: Rozhodčí zákony: 1.část
Name (in English): Czech Republic and Slowak Republic: Refree Laws: Part 1
German. Germany.
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; refree laws
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 15/4/2021 13:09.
Name in Czech: Variabilita biomechanického hodnocení pádu z výšky
Name (in English): Variability of Biomechanical Fall Assessment
RIV/04274644:_____/20:#0000595 Proceedings paper. Czech. Czech Republic.
Straus, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Criminology; forensic biomechanics; fall from height; speed
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/4/2021 12:00.
Name in Czech: Průzkum bitcoinových transakcí prostřednictvím analýzy inzerce na on-line diskusním fóru
Name (in English): A Probe Survey of Bitcoin Transactions Through Analysis of Advertising in an On-Line Discussion Forum
RIV/26138077:_____/19:#0000917 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
Bán, Zoltán (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Lánský, Jan (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Mildeová, Stanislava (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Tesař, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Cryptocurrency; Bitcoin; On-Line Advertisement; Text Mining; PHP Script; Cybersecurity; Discussion Forum
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 08:55.
Name in Czech: O nové české úpravě smlouvy o dílo
Name (in English): About the new czech legal regulation of the contract for Work
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000505 Article in a journal. English. Slovakia.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: law; civil law; Civil Code; work; contract for work
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 14:55.
Name in Czech: Důležitost aliance a bezpečnostní kontinuita financování evropského rozpočtu
Name (in English): Alliance Importance and Security Continuity of Funding European Budget
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000563 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Burianová, Olga (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Security of funding; Value Added Tax; European reverse charge; Dynamic Vector Logistics of Processes
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 11:05.
Name in Czech: Důležitost aliance a bezpečnostní kontinuita financování evropského rozpočtu
Name (in English): Alliance Importance and Security Continuity of Funding European Budget
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000584 Proceedings paper. English. Germany.
Burianová, Olga (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Urbánek, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Security of funding; Value Added Tax; European reverse charge; Crisis scenarios; Dynamic Vector Logistics of Processes
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/4/2021 11:16.
Name in Czech: Alternativy k zajištění žadatelů o mezinárodní ochranu vúpravě práva EU
Name (in English): Alternatives to detention of the Asylum Seekers under the EU Law Regulation
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: applicants for international protection; detention; alternatives to detention; EU law; reception conditions directive; return directive
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 6/1/2020 11:35.
Name in Czech: Extrémní a masivní vyjádření ikonizace utrpení: Kult „opuštěných duší“ v Neapoli
Name (in English): An extreme and massive expression of the iconization of suffering: The Cult of the “abandoned souls” in Naples
English. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: anthropology; suffering; Fontanelle ossuary; Rebecca Horn
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 10:15.
Name in Czech: Analýza odchodu studentů bakalářského studia na VŠE
Name (in English): Analyzing Bachelor Students Dropout at the University of Economics, Prague
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000475 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Berka, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Vrabec, Michal (203 Czech Republic) -- Marek, Luboš (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: bachelor study; dropout; contingency tables; decision trees
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 09:09.
Name in Czech: Existují rozdíly v pojetí finančního výkaznictví a účetní profese v různých účetních systémech - srovnání České republiky a Velké Británie
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000850 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: financial reporting; accounting profession; continental model; Anglo-Saxon model
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 3/3/2023 09:32.
Name in Czech: Aspekty globální a regionální marketingové komunikace v České republice
Name (in English): Aspects of Global and Regional Marketing Communications in the Czech Republic
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000533 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Czech. Czech Republic.
Hes, Aleš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Globalization; regional development; culture; communication; marketing; turbulence.
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 14:07.
Name in Czech: Bublina cen aktiv a důsledky hypoteční krize v USA
Name (in English): Asset Bubbles and the Impacts of The United States Subprime Mortgage Crisis
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000531 Article in a journal. English. Slovakia.
Chlumská, Zuzana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: assets; price; bubble; education; globalisation; mortgage crisis
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 14:45.
Name in Czech: Auditní testování osobních dat v sociálních médiích
Name (in English): Audit Testing of Personal Data on Social Media
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000605 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Kupec, Václav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Písař, Přemysl (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Audit; Management; Marketing; Risk; Social Media
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/6/2022 13:27.
Name in Czech: Konstrukce bankrotního modelu a jeho omezení pokud jde o kvalitu vstupních dat
Name (in English): Bankruptcy Model Construction and its Limitation in Input Data Quality
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000519 Article in a journal. English. United States of America.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: bankruptcy models; prediction ability; financial indicators; normal distribution
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 11:19.
Name in Czech: Bezpečnostní technologie pro policejní, forenzní a komerční praxi
Name (in English): Security technologies for police, forensic and commercial practice
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000615 Book on a specialized topic. Czech. Slovakia.
Tallo, Anton (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Porubská, Dominika (703 Slovakia) -- Holubiczky, Vincent (703 Slovakia) -- Odler, Robert (703 Slovakia) -- Rak, Roman (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Škrinár, Tomáš (703 Slovakia) -- Kriška, Martin (703 Slovakia) -- Tureček, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Security technology; Document protection; Vehicle identification; Object protection; Detection
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:54.
Name in Czech: Biomechanické hodnocení pádu z výšky a počítačová simulace
Name (in English): Biomechanical evaluation of a fall from a height and computer simulation
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000504 Proceedings paper. Slovak. Slovakia.
Straus, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Criminalistics; Forensic biomechanics; height falls; computer simulation
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 08:12.
English. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Keywords in English: System Dynamics, Business Intelligence, Model, ICT, Enterprise
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 11/11/2019 08:48.
Name in Czech: Smlouva o dílo v souvislosti s průmyslovou revolucí 4.0
Name (in English): Contract for work in the context of industrial revolution 4.0
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000520 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: law; ciocil law; business law; contract; contact for work; industrilal revolution 4.0
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 14:16.
Name in Czech: Controlling jako nástroj pro řízení malých a středních podniků s důrazem na inovace v kontextu Průmyslu 4.0
Name (in English): Controlling as a tool for SME management with an emphasis on innovations in the context of Industry 4.0
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000548 Article in a journal. English. Poland.
Písař, Přemysl (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Bílková, Diana (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: industry 4.0; controlling; SME; innovation; audit
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 10:20.
Name in Czech: Proměny zájmu o Buddhismus v České republice
Name (in English): Development of Interest in Buddhism in the Czech Republic
English. Viet Nam.
Keywords in English: Identity; Value Studies; Religion; Buddhism; Commodification of identities
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 18/5/2020 11:47.
Name in Czech: Vývoj ceny akcie v přímé souvislosti se vstupem nového investora do vedení obchodní společnosti
Name (in English): Developmnet of Share Price in Direct Relation to the Entry of the New Investor in ghe Management of Business Corporation
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000524 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
Cvik, Eva Daniela (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- McGregor Pelikánová, Radka (203 Czech Republic) -- Schlossberger, Otakar (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: share; Shareholder Company; book value; contractual share price; minority shareholder; Companies and Cooperatives Act; equity capital
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 11:20.
Name in Czech: Dialog hodnot a tradice v diverzifikovaném prostředí současné spotřební kultury
Name (in English): Dialogue of Values and Tradition in the Diversity of Contemporary Consumer Culture
English. Poland.
Keywords in English: Consumer culture; Minimalism; Values; Commodification; Commercialization of taste; Cultural communities
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 18/5/2020 11:47.
Name in Czech: Přímá volby starostů (primátorů) a hejtmanů a možný dopad na výkon veřejné správy
Name (in English): Direct elections of mayors (lord mayors) and governors and their possible impact on the performance of public administration
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000537 Proceedings paper. Czech. Czech Republic.
Čechák, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Constitution; constitutional law; direct democracy; direct election of mayors/governors; municipal/regional council; local/regional/ referendum
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 22/4/2020 09:09.
Name in Czech: Diverzifikace exportních území rodinných podniků jako nástroj jejich dalšího rozvoje
Name (in English): Diversification of Export Territories of Family Businesses as a Tool of their Futher Development
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000500 Article in a journal. English. Ukraine.
Petrů, Naděžda (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Tomášková, Andrea (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Krošláková, Monika (703 Slovakia)
Keywords in English: business; export; competitiveness; internationalization; support of export; diversification of export territory
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 27/4/2020 08:23.
Name in Czech: Doby a lhůty v pracovněprávních vztazích a navrhovaná změna právní úpravy
Name (in English): Time and deadlines in labour relations and proposed change of legislation
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000536 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Vysokajová, Margerita (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Period; time limit; labor relations
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 15:44.
Name (in English): Does commission remuneration affect the investor’s outcome? Experience from Central Europe
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000502 Article in a journal. English. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Šindelář, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Budinský, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Investment funds; Agent principal problem; Conflict of interests; Investment advice
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 11:18.
Name in Czech: Dokazování trestné činnosti s využitím kriminalistických stop a identifikace
Name (in English): Demonstration of crime using forensic traces and identification
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000556 Book on a specialized topic. Czech. Czech Republic.
Brunová, Markéta (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: proving; evidence; criminal proceedings
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 09:02.
Name in Czech: Důkazní hodnota výslechu u osob,které jsou vyslýchány pod vlivem omamných a psychotropních látek
Name (in English): Probative Value of Interrogation for Persons Interviewed under the Influence of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000491 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Kopencová, Dagmar (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: interrogation; narcotic and psychotropic substances; memory traces; research; probative value
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 09:03.
Name in Czech: Model finančních toků bezpečnostní kontinuity inkasa daně z přidané hodnoty v prostředí EU
Name (in English): Dynamic Model of the Finance Flows Secure Continuity into European Value Added Tax Environments
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000583 Proceedings paper. English. Singapore.
Urbánek, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Burianová, Olga (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Security of finance flows continuity; Czech tax system environments; European reverse charge; Dynamic Vector Logistics of Processes Method; Internal and external threats
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 16/8/2022 14:17.
Name in Czech: Ekonomie produktivní spotřeby jako přesah hlavního proudu ekonomické teorie
Name (in English): Economics of Productive Consumption as an Offshoot of Main Currents of Economic Theory
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000549 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
Valenčík, Radim (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Wawrosz, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: economics of productive consumption; utility; interest; capital contract; transferred price; productive services sector
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:48.
Name in Czech: Úspory z rozsahu a jejich vliv na výši pachtovného u fyzických a právnických osob
Name (in English): Economies of scale and their influence on the amount of rent for natural and legal persons
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000588 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Mareš, David (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Procházková, Radka (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Economies of scale;rent; natural persons; legal persons.
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:19.
Name in Czech: Erasmus+ jako zdroj Best Practice
Name (in English): Erasmus+ as a source of the Best Practice
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000587 Proceedings paper. English. Spain.
Budík, Josef (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Schlossberger, Otakar (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Erasmus+; experiences; innovations; Ishikawa diagram
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:01.
Name in Czech: Řízení růstu hodnoty evropských SME za využití controllingu a ukazatelů finanční analýzy - empirická studieanalýze a poměry - empirická studie “
Name (in English): European SMEs’ value management based on controlling, financial analysis and ratios – empirical study
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000541 Article in a journal. English. Ukraine.
Písař, Přemysl (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: audit; controlling; financial analysis; information system; process; SMEs; value
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 27/4/2020 08:27.
Name in Czech: Faktory ovlivňující udržitelnost startupového podnikání
Name (in English): Factors impacting startup sustainability in the Czech Republic
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000494 Article in a journal. English. Ukraine.
Petrů, Naděžda (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Pavlák, Miroslav (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: startup; business; sustainability; marketing management; customer; Czech Republic
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 27/4/2020 08:30.
Name in Czech: Příznivé podnikatelské prostředí jako faktor rozvoje podnikání.
Name (in English): Favourable Business Environment as a Factor of Business Development.
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000558 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Krošláková, Monika (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Kubíčková, Viera (203 Czech Republic) -- Petrů, Naděžda (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Business development; international comparison; business environment; competitiveness
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 11:14.
RIV/26138077:_____/19:#0000916 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
Tichý, Jaromír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Deferred tuition; student loan; loan for study; financing of education; human capital; transferred price
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 11:10.
English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: deferred tuition, student loan, loan for study, financing of education, human capital, transferred price
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 24/10/2019 07:13.
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: deferred tuition, student loan, loan for study, financing of education, human capital, transferred price
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 25/11/2019 10:22.
Name (in English): Forensic psychology: theory and practice
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000516 Book on a specialized topic. Czech. Czech Republic.
Polišenská, Veronika Anna (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Forensic psychology; theory; practice
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 09:54.
Name in Czech: Od Marxe ke Google: Redefinování osobnostních práv autorských v Česku
Name (in English): From Marx to Google: Redefining the Role of Moral Rights in Czechia
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000510 Article in a journal. English. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Leška, Rudolf (703 Slovakia, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: copyright; moral rights
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: JUDr. Mgr. Rudolf Leška, Ph.D., LL.M., učo 30540. Changed: 21/4/2020 22:05.
Name in Czech: Globální komunikační prostředí pro trhy B2B
Name (in English): Global Communication environment for B2B Markets
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000557 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Hes, Aleš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Industry 4.0; B2B market; cloudcomputing; intercultural communication; globalization
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 11/5/2020 12:55.
Name in Czech: Globalizace kolektivní správy práv a úkoly národních organizací kolektivní správy
Name (in English): Globalization of Collective Rights Management and the Role of National CMOs
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000511 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. English. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Leška, Rudolf (703 Slovakia, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: copyright; collective rights management
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 11:14.
Name in Czech: Globalizovaný integrovaný management bezpečnostní kontinuity organizací
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Globalized integrated management security continuity of organization planning
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 5/11/2019 07:47.
Name in Czech: Financování zdravotní a dlouhodobé péče
Name (in English): Health & Long-term Care Financing
English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: welfare regimes; health insurance; long-term care; personal income tax
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 20/4/2020 10:50.
Name in Czech: Perspektívy, faktory, stabilita a udržateľnosť financovania zdravia
Name (in English): Health financing perspectives, stability and sustainability factors
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000561 Article in a journal. English. Slovakia.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: health insurance; health systems; public finance
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 11:37.
Name in Czech: Charakteristika omamných a psychotropních látek a jejich vliv na trestnou činnost pachatelů v České republice.
Czech. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: Threat, narcotics and psychotropic substances, offender, research
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 22/7/2019 09:33.
Name in Czech: Identifikace v kriminalistice, policejních a bezpečnostních vědách
Name (in English): Identification in criminalistic, police and security sciences
Czech. Poland.
Keywords in English: criminalistics, police and security sciences, identification of security activities, forensic identification (objects, systems), biometric identification, verification
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. JUDr. Ing. Viktor Porada, DrSc., učo 31366. Changed: 9/12/2019 15:13.
Name in Czech: Motivační nadstavba průběžného penzijního systému
Name (in English): Incentive extension of pay-as-you-go pension system
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000543 Article in a journal. English. Poland.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Mihola, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Valenčík, Radim (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: human capital; pension insurance; extension of pension insurance; voluntary pension pillar; active ageing
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 27/4/2020 08:09.
Name in Czech: Vliv hypoxie na stabilitu dynamického biometrického podpisu
Name (in English): Influence of Hypoxia on the Stability of the Dynamic Biometric Signature.
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000585 Proceedings paper. English. India.
Smejkal, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Onisčenko, Boris (203 Czech Republic) -- Kodl, Jindřich (203 Czech Republic) -- Tesař, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: dynamic biometric signature; hypobaric chamber; brain hypoxia; stability of a dynamic biometric signature
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 21/4/2021 08:26.
Name in Czech: Inovační potenciál mezigeneračních týmů v EU
Name (in English): Innovation potential of cross-generational creative teams in the EU
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000527 Article in a journal. English. Ukraine.
Říhová, Lenka (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Písař, Přemysl (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Havlíček, Karel (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: experimental testing; human resource; innovation; innovation strategy; labor; management
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 27/4/2020 08:22.
Name in Czech: Inovační Controlling a Audit - příležitost pro MSP
Name (in English): Innovative controlling and audit – opportunities for SMEs
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000499 Article in a journal. English. Ukraine.
Písař, Přemysl (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Kupec, Václav (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: audit; controlling; innovation; process; SME
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 27/4/2020 08:23.
Name in Czech: Je finanční gramotnost ovlivněna studijním oborem?
Name (in English): Is the Financial Literacy Affected by the Field of Study?
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000521 Article in a journal. English. Croatia.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Jindřichovská, Irena (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Financial literacy; Secondary school; Finance; Management of family finance
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 12:00.
Name in Czech: Je finanční gramotnost ovlivněna studijním oborem? (Srovnání specializovaných středních škol)
Name (in English): Is the Financial Literacy Affected by the Field of Study? (a Comparison of Specialised Secondary Schools)
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000580 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Jindřichovská, Irena (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Financial literacy; Secondary school; Finance; Management of family finance
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/4/2021 10:44.
Name in Czech: Jaké dopady by přineslo narovnání mezi zaměstnanci a osobami samostatně výdělečně činnými? Případo vá studie sociálního pojištění
Name (in English): Equalling the Taxation Burden between Employees and Self-Employed: the Case of Social Insurance in the Czech Republic
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000550 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Erben, Michal (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Šindelář, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Social insurance; tax elasticity; social reform; pension insurance
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 20/4/2020 11:57.
Name in Czech: Jazyková hra v reklamní komunikaci
Name (in English): Language play in advertising communication
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Language play, advertising, emotion, neologism, recipient - customer, democratization of language, slogan, promotion
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 30/4/2020 13:04.
Name in Czech: Juan Vucetich – Jeden ze zakladatelů daktyloskopie
Name (in English): Juan Vucetich - One of the founders of dactyloscopy
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Criminology; history; dactyloscopy
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 20/7/2020 08:22.
Name in Czech: K obecným otázkám soukromého práva
Name (in English): On general questions of private law
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000553 Article in a journal. Czech. Slovakia.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; lease
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 14:06.
Name in Czech: K privatizaci trestního práva z pohledu kriminalistiky a forenzních oborů v oblasti znalecké činnosti
Name (in English): On the privatization of criminal law from the perspective of forensic science and forensics in the field of expert activities
Czech. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: privatization of criminal law, forensic science, forensic and forensic expertise, private security corps, ideas for privatization expertise, advisory and consulting activities.
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. JUDr. Ing. Viktor Porada, DrSc., učo 31366. Changed: 14/5/2020 14:45.
Name in Czech: K věrohodnosti znaleckého posudku
Name (in English): The credibility of the expert opinion
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000542 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Straus, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Judgment; credibility; forensic biomechanics; proof
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 08:08.
Name in Czech: Nástroje dobývání znalostí pro analýzy "svépomocí"
Name (in English): KDD Tools for Do-It-Yourself Analyses
English. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: data mining systems; data mining automation; machine learning
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 6/1/2020 09:49.
Name in Czech: Komunikace policistů s osobami pod vlivem omamných a psychotropních látek
Czech. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: danger, communication, narcotic and psychotropic substances, perpetrator, police
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 22/7/2019 09:34.
Name in Czech: Koordinační hry
Name (in English): Coordination games
Czech. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: networks; coordination; game theory
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 19/3/2020 10:32.
Name in Czech: Právní a regionalistické aspekty strukturace ČR
Name (in English): Legal and Regional Aspects of Structuring of the Czech Republic
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000528 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Wokoun, René (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Mates, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Čechák, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Regional structures; administrative organization; microregional structure of the Czech Republic
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 08:04.
Name in Czech: Logické aspekty důkazu a dokazování v právu
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: proof; proof process; types of proofs; extensional; intensional proof; statements; normative sentences; direct knowledge; reasonable doubts; act; consequence; logical; factual consequent relation
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 15/1/2020 07:09.
Name in Czech: Modelování studijní neúspěšnosti pomocí statisitckých a data miningových metod
Name (in English): Modeling Students Dropout Using Statistical and Data Mining Methods
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000589 Proceedings paper. English. France.
Berka, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Marek, Lubos (203 Czech Republic) -- Vrabec, Michal (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: student dropout; logistic regression; decision trees; association rules
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:22.
Name (in English): Modelling of supply network design
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000545 Proceedings paper. English. Italy.
Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: supply networks; simulation; dynamics; DEMATEL; De Novo optimisation
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 10:19.
Name in Czech: Nájem
Name (in English): Lease
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000517 Article in a journal. Czech. Slovakia.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; lease
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 14:49.
Name in Czech: Náklady na výběr daní v ČR
Name (in English): Tax collection costs in the Czech Republic
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000554 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Legierská, Yvona (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: taxes; tax administrator; tax legislation; efficiency of tax collection
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 13:49.
Name in Czech: Náklady na výběr daní v ČR
Name (in English): Tax collection costs in the Czech Republic
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: taxes; tax administrator; tax legislation; efficiency of tax collection
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 7/1/2020 11:34.
Name in Czech: Název rodinné společnosti ve spojení se jménem rodiny a možné riziko tohoto spojení
Name (in English): The name of the family company in conjunction with the family name and the potential risk of this connection
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000551 Proceedings paper. Czech. Czech Republic.
Tomášková, Andrea (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Family business; company name; risk of damage to reputation
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 11:01.
Name in Czech: Neoliberální přístupy českých filologů a antropologů
Name (in English): Neoliberal Approaches Among Czech Philologists and Anthropologists
English. France.
Keywords in English: anthropology; qualitative research; Czech Republic; neoliberalism
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: doc. Giuseppe Maiello, Ph.D., učo 27773. Changed: 16/5/2020 13:46.
Name in Czech: Ohledání místa mimořádné události (teorie a praxe)
Name (in English): Emergency event crime scene investigation (theory and praxis)
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000534 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Straus, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Vavera, František (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Integrated Rescue System (IRS); Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic; basic units of the
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 11:31.
Name in Czech: O stabilitě a interpretovatelnosti modelů směsí mzdových rozdělení.
Name (in English): On stability and interpretability of mixture models of wage distributions.
English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: wage distributions; mixture models
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 30/3/2021 09:27.
Name in Czech: O původu Lafferovy křivky
Name (in English): On the Origin of the Laffer Curve
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000526 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
Mach, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Laffer curve; taxation; history of economic thought
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 09:19.
Name (in English): Open Information Sources - Information Society and Internet
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000544 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Kalamár, Štěpán (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Open Information Resources; Information Society; Computer Literacy; Digital Divide; Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 10:00.
Name in Czech: Pacht ( arenda )
Name (in English): The smithy
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000497 Article in a journal. Czech. Slovakia.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; the smithy
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 14:59.
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000508 Article in a journal. English. Poland.
Kostikov, Eva (703 Slovakia, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Mareš, David (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Procházková, Radka (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: accounting value added; Czech Republic; prediction time series
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 27/4/2020 08:14.
Name in Czech: Práva výkonných umělců: středoevropský export
Name (in English): Performers’ Rights: A Central European Export
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000512 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. English. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Leška, Rudolf (703 Slovakia, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: copyright; neighboring rights
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: JUDr. Mgr. Rudolf Leška, Ph.D., LL.M., učo 30540. Changed: 5/4/2021 00:46.
Name in Czech: Fenomén rovnovážných a limitních stavů v bezpečnostních vědách
Name (in English): Phenomenom of equilibrium and limit states in security sciences
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000616 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
Rak, Roman (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Equilibrium; equilibrium position; balance of forces; stability; security
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 7/4/2021 07:53.
Name in Czech: Policejní vykázání
Name (in English): Police banished
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000507 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Mates, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Police; domestic violence; banished
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 12:46.
Name in Czech: Politický extremismus jako destabilizační prvek příhraničních regionů
Name (in English): Political extremism as a destabilizing element of border regions
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Destabilisation, Extremism, Region, An element of destabilisation
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 24/10/2019 10:20.
Name (in English): Political interest and statutory cities in the Czech Republic
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000622 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Prorok, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: state administration; statutory city; political interest;
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:58.
Name in Czech: Poznámky k rozhodčímu řízení před Rozhodčím soudem při Hospodářské komoře České republiky a Agrární komoře České republiky
Name (in English): Coment to the Arbitration Proceedings at the Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic and the Agrarian Chambersof the Czech Republic
Czech. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: law ; civil law ; arbitration proceedings ; arbitration court
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 30/4/2020 11:03.
Name in Czech: Poznámky ke smlouvě o dílo de lege ferenda
Name (in English): Notes to the de lege ferenda contract for work
Czech. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; contract for work
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 12/11/2019 11:03.
Name in Czech: Poznámky ke smlouvě o dílo podle českého práva
Name (in English): Notes to the Contract for Work under Czech Law
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000532 Article in a journal. Czech. Slovakia.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; contract for work
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 14:09.
Czech. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: legal bases, legal relations, types, concept, content, main organizational tactical forms, theory of police security activity, police sciences
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/1/2020 10:00.
Name in Czech: Domněnka autorství podle Bernské úmluvy a její aplikace v online prostředí
Name (in English): Presumption of Authorship under the Berne Convention and its Application in the Online Environment
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000552 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. English. Canada.
Leška, Rudolf (703 Slovakia, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: copyright; Berne Convention
International impact: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 10:58.
Name in Czech: Procesní aspekty nezákonného důkazu
Name (in English): Procedural aspects of illegal evidence
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Proofing, evidence, means of proof, illegal evidence, the right to a fair trial, criminal proceedings, fundamental rights and freedoms
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 5/11/2019 12:54.
Name in Czech: Sektor produktivních služeb: teorie a praxe korupčního poklesu
Name (in English): Productive of the service sector: theory and practice of corruption declining
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000547 Article in a journal. English. Ukraine.
Wawrosz, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: blackmailing; corruption; corruption networks; corruption risks; mutual dependency
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 30/4/2020 13:20.
Name in Czech: Navrhování projektového portfolia při riziku
Name (in English): Project portfolio designing under risk
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000590 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: project portfolio; multiple criteria; risk; dynamics
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:26.
Name in Czech: Příčiny růstu podílu plateb a inkas v eurech mezi českými podniky a příčiny růstu eurových úvěrů
Name (in English): Causes of growth in the share of payments and receipts in euro among Czech firms and causes of growth in euro loans
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000564 Proceedings paper. Czech. Czech Republic.
Spitsyna, Yuliia (804 Ukraine, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Spontaneous euroisation; payments in euro; loans in euro; trade with the euro area; CZK exchange rate
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 08:18.
Name in Czech: Příspěvek k identifikaci osoby podle dynamického stereotypu chůze – vliv obuvi na lokomoci
Name (in English): Contribution to the identification of a person according to the dynamic stereotype of walking - the effect of footwear on locomotion
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000514 Proceedings paper. Czech. Czech Republic.
Straus, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Sadílek, Zdeněk (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Jonák, Jiří (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Identification; criminology; forensic biomechanics
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 11:33.
Name in Czech: Řízení jakosti v evropských SME - empirická studie
Name (in English): Quality Management in European SME´s Empirical Study
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000525 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Písař, Přemysl (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Quality management; controlling; SME; process
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 10:23.
Name (in English): Quantified Impact Of Market Interest Rates On Commercial Banks’ Business Mix
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000482 Article in a journal. English. Poland.
Kostikov, Eva (703 Slovakia, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Jílková, Petra (203 Czech Republic) -- Koťátková Stránská, Pavla (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: interest rates; marketing mix profitability of commercial banks; banking products; multiple linear regression
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 27/4/2020 08:11.
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000498 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Lánský, Jan (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Mildeová, Stanislava (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Application software; Excel; inquiry; company; computational literacy; information literacy
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 13:46.
Name in Czech: Regiony
Name (in English): Regions
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000540 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Czech. Czech Republic.
Wokoun, René (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: regions of the future; smart cities; smart region; intelligent management and administration
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 27/4/2020 09:55.
Name (in English): Remarks to Tourism Industry Position in Contemporary Economic Relations
English. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: tourism industry; economic relations; management and marketing
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 19/3/2020 13:44.
Name in Czech: Analýza rizik a hrozeb v bezpečnostních vědách
Name (in English): Risk analysis and threats in security science
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000618 Article in a journal. English. Slovakia.
Rak, Roman (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Kopencová, Dagmar (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Threat; source of threat; threat characteristics
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 7/4/2021 08:08.
Name in Czech: Rovnovážné a mezní stavy v bezpečnosti a soudním inženýrství
Name (in English): Equilibrum and Limite States in Security and Forensic Engineering
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000614 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Rak, Roman (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Equilibrium; equilibrium; equilibrium position; balance of forces and stability
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 7/4/2021 07:40.
Name in Czech: Rovnovážné a mezní stavy v bezpečnosti, v technice i společenských vědách část I.
Name (in English): Equilibrium and limit states in security, technology and social science part I.
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000619 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Rak, Roman (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Equilibrium; equilibrium position; balance of forces and stability
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 7/4/2021 08:19.
Name in Czech: Rovnovážné a mezní stavy v bezpečnosti, v technice i společenských vědách část II.
Name (in English): Equilibrium and limit states in security, technology and social science part II.
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000620 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Rak, Roman (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Matoušková, Ingrid (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Risk analysis; stability; instability; limit states; human psyche
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 7/4/2021 08:20.
Name in Czech: Řízení bezpečnosti v organizaci
Name (in English): Security management in an organization
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Security management in an organization; Physical security; Property security; Information security, Security of ICT, Safety and Health protection during work; Fire protection; Protection against fraud and misuse; Forensic audit
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 7/1/2020 09:37.
Name in Czech: Prognóza prodeje ve finanční distribuci: srovnání kvantitativních metod prognóz
Name (in English): Sales forecasting in financial distribution: a comparison of quantitative forecasting methods
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000546 Article in a journal. English. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Šindelář, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Financial sales; Sales forecasting; Quantitative forecasting; Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE); Linear model with mixed effects
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 11:26.
Name in Czech: Poměr přímého a nepřímého zdanění jako odraz veřejné volby
Name (in English): Share of direct and indirect taxation as a reflection of public choice
English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: direct taxes; indirect taxes; optimal taxation; tax revenues; tax policy
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 20/5/2020 11:13.
Name (in English): Significance of Destination Manangement for Contemporary Tourism Industry
English. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: tourism industry; destinations; destination management
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 19/3/2020 13:42.
Name in Czech: Sociální a kvalifikační profil marketingových profesionálů
Name (in English): Social and qualification profile of marketing professionals
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000559 Book on a specialized topic. Czech. Czech Republic.
Tomčík, Michal (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: marketing professionals; skills
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 10:22.
Name in Czech: Sociální úrazové modely a české pojištění odpovědnosti za pracovní úrazy a nemoci z povolání
Name (in English): Social injury models and Czech liability insurance for workplace accidents and occupational deseases
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000566 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: social work injury insurance; liability insurance for work accidents and occupational illnesses; welfare regimes; Czech social protection; social security contributions
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 21/4/2020 07:25.
Name in Czech: Socioekonomické aspekty standardu a nadstandardu ve zdravotním pojištění
Name (in English): Socio-economic aspects of standard and above standard care in health insurance
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000562 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: health insurance
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 11:39.
Name in Czech: Specifika dokazování v rozhodčím řízení
Name (in English): Specifics of taking evidence in arbitration procedings
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000518 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Czech. Czech Republic.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Janků, Martin (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: law; business law; civil law; arbitration proceedings; arbitration court
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 14:11.
Name in Czech: Specifika ochrany osobních údajů v České republice
Name (in English): Specifics of personal data protection in the Czech Republic
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000523 Article in a journal. German. Germany.
Mates, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Lechner, Tomáš (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: Personal data; protection; legal regulations in the Czech Republic
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 12:41.
Name in Czech: Společenská odpovědnost v profesionálním fotbale
Czech. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: Corporate social responsibility in sport, football, FIFA, Fortuna league, FC Teplice
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 11/11/2019 08:00.
Name in Czech: Srovnání smlouvy o úvěru a smlouvy o zápůjčce
Name (in English): Comparison of Credit Agreement and Loan Agreement
Czech. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: law ; civil law; Civil Code; contract; credit agreement; loan agreement
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 6/1/2020 14:09.
Name in Czech: Srovnání smluv o poskytnutí peněžních prostředků a zastupitelných věcí
Name (in English): Comparison of Credit Agreement and Loan Agreement
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: law ; civil law; Civil Code; contract; credit agreement, loan agreement
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 20/3/2020 08:45.
Name in Czech: Znalost studentů matematických definic
Name (in English): Students’ knowledge of mathematical definitions
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000594 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Ulrychová, Eva (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Bílková, Diana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: mathematics; definition; student; gender
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:39.
Name in Czech: Subjektivní stránka v zákoně o odpovědnosti za přestupky, záležitost plná otazníků
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Offense, responsibility, fault
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 18/3/2020 15:14.
Name in Czech: Podpora rodinného podnikání veřejným sektorem
Name (in English): Support for family businesses from the public sector
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000602 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Petrů, Naděžda (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Family business; public sector; public support; SMEs.
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:44.
Name in Czech: Podávání zpráv o udržitelnosti v odvětví vystaveném životnímu prostředí
Name (in English): Sustainability Reporting in Environmentally Exposed Sector
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000581 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Jindřichovská, Irena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: CSR; environment; mining; safety
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/4/2021 10:49.
Name in Czech: Systémová rizika na pokrizových finančních trzích
RIV/26138077:_____/19:#0000918 Book on a specialized topic. English. Czech Republic.
Frait, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Bezvoda, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Budinský, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Černohorská, Liběna (203 Czech Republic) -- Daňhel, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic) -- Ducháčková, Eva (203 Czech Republic) -- Hájek, Jan (203 Czech Republic) -- Hejlová, Hana (203 Czech Republic) -- Helísek, Mojmír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Kadlčáková, Narcisa (203 Czech Republic) -- Komárek, Luboš (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Komárková, Zlatuše (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Plašil, Miroslav (203 Czech Republic) -- Radová, Jarmila (203 Czech Republic) -- Rusnák, Marek (203 Czech Republic) -- Stádník, Bohumil (203 Czech Republic) -- Teplý, Petr (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: systemic risk; financial markets
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 12:08.
Name in Czech: Zdanění příjmů OSVČ a zaměstnanců
Name (in English): Tax treatment of self-employed and employee incomes
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000489 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Personal income tax; Social security contributions; Self-employed; Employee taxation; Single director; Corporate income tax
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:24.
Name in Czech: Rozklad výnosové křivky českých vládních dluhopisů na dolní mezi
Name (in English): The Czech Government Yield Curve Decomposition at the Lower Bound
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000567 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
Dvořák, Michal (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Komárková, Zlatuše (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Kučera, Adam (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: decomposition; government bond; yield curve; affine model
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 4/5/2020 08:36.
Name in Czech: Český daňový mix na rozcestí
Name (in English): The Czech tax mix at a crossroads
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000565 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: corporation tax; personal income tax; social insurance; social security contributions; tax mix
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 21/4/2020 07:28.
Name (in English): The Effect of Business Enabling Policies, Tax Treatment, Corruption and Political Connections on Business Climate
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000501 Article in a journal. English. Hungary.
Břečková, Pavla (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Cera, Gentjan (8 Albania) -- Cera, Edmond (8 Albania) -- Rozsa, Zoltan (348 Hungary)
Keywords in English: business climate; business enabling policies; tax treatment; corruption; political connection
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 15:02.
Name in Czech: Erotický kapitál mužů v perspektivě marketingové komunikace
Name (in English): The Erotic Capital of Men from the Perspective of the Sociology of Marketing Communication
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000721 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Roubal, Ondřej (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Beauty; physical attractiveness; erotic capital; men; success; marketing communication
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 8/6/2022 11:29.
Name in Czech: Rozšíření průběžného systému důchodového pojištění – aspekt příjmů a výdajů
Name (in English): The Extension Of Pay-As-You-Go Pension Insurance System – Income And Expenditure Aspect
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000529 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Valenčík, Radim (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Human Capital; Pension System; Pay-as-you-go Pension Insurance; Mathematical Model of Postgraduate Extension of the Pay-as-you-go Pension Insurance System; Productive Services
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 11:11.
Name in Czech: The Perception of the Financial Reporting and Accounting Profession in Different Cultural Environments: A Comparison of the Czech Republic, the China Republic, Great Britain and Ireland
Name (in English): The Perception of the Financial Reporting and Accounting Profession in Different Cultural Environments: A Comparison of the Czech Republic, the China Republic, Great Britain and Ireland
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000586 Proceedings paper. English. Spain.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Cultural differences; financial reporting; accounting profession; professional education; accounting rules
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/4/2021 12:46.
Name in Czech: Osobní cloudové úložiště výukových materiálů jako inovativní nástroj v podnikovém vzdělávání
Name (in English): The Personal Learning Cloud As an Innovative Tool in Corporate Training
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000609 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Knihová, Ladislava (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Pavlát, Vladislav (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Digitální studující; mikrocertifikace; osobní výukové cloudové úložiště; personalizované učení; výukové prostředí; mezera v transferu dovedností
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 08:51.
Name in Czech: Vztah mezi suverénním ratingem a trendy makroekonomických ukazatelů
Name (in English): The relationship between sovereign credit rating and trends of macroeconomic indicators
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000509 Article in a journal. English. Ukraine.
Kotěšovcová, Jana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Mihola, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Budinský, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: rating level; credit rating; rating methodology; macroeconomic indicators; sovereign rating
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 27/4/2020 08:27.
Name in Czech: Společenská odpovědnost profesionálních fotbalových klubů v České republice
Name (in English): The Social Responsibility of Professional Football Clubs in the Czech Republic
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000493 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Kunz, Vilém (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Tomčík, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Social Responsibility in Sport; Football; Premier League; Fortuna League
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 12:07.
Name in Czech: Trasologie
Name (in English): Trasology
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000538 Book on a specialized topic. Czech. Czech Republic.
Straus, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Porada, Viktor (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Trasology; forensic track; identification
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 07:06.
Name in Czech: Česká republika: Zemědělský pacht a pacht závodu, 2.část - Zvláštní úprava
Name (in English): Czech Republic: Lease and lease company, Part 2 - Special arrangement
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000522 Article in a journal. German. Germany.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Bohata, Petr (276 Germany)
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; the smithy
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 15/4/2020 09:26.
Name in Czech: Česká republika: Pacht a propachtovávání, 1.část - Pacht
Name (in English): Czech Republic: Lease and lease company, Part 1 - Lease
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000515 Article in a journal. German. Germany.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Bohata, Petr (276 Germany)
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; the smithy
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 15/4/2020 09:28.
Name in Czech: Typologie sociálních dávek a událostí v pojistném a nepojistném systému sociálního zabezpečení z hlediska vhodnosti a efektivity
Name (in English): Typology of social benefits and developments in the insurance and non-insurance social security systems in terms of suitability and effectiveness
English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: social insurance; public finance
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 29/10/2020 14:54.
Name in Czech: Koupě závodu a koupě rodinného závodu (2.část)
Name (in English): Buying a business and buying family business (Part 2)
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000495 Article in a journal. German. Germany.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Bohata, Petr (276 Germany)
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; buying a business; family business
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 20/4/2020 12:19.
Name in Czech: Koupě závodu a koupě rodinného závodu (3.část)
Name (in English): Buying a business and buying family business (Part 3)
RIV: Article in a journal. German. Germany.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Bohata, Petr (276 Germany)
Keywords in English: law; civil law; business law; contract; buying a business; family business
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 4/5/2020 09:05.
Name in Czech: Úprava veřejných zakázek platí obecně i v rezortu obrany
Name (in English): The regulation of public procurement also applies in the defense sector in general
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000560 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: law; Bussines Code; Civil Code; contracts; public procurement; defense sector
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 13:51.
Name in Czech: V labyrintech úpravy nahlížení do spisu podle správního řádu
Name (in English): In labyrinths adjustments to inspection of the file according to the Code of Administrative Procedure
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000535 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Mates, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Administrative proceedings; file; inspection; right to information
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 12:54.
Name in Czech: Identifikační číslo vozidla - anatomie výskytu chyby
Name (in English): Vehicle identification number – anatomy of error occurrence
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000582 Proceedings paper. English. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Rak, Roman (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Vehicle Identification; VIN
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 13/4/2021 11:08.
Name in Czech: Video v programech formálního a neformálního vzdělávání
Name (in English): Video in Formal and Informal Learning Programmes
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000853 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Hronová, Štěpánka (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Knihová, Ladislava (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Digital learner; Corporate education; ESP - English for Specific Purposes; Multimedia; Tertiary Education; Video learning
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 8/2/2023 07:56.
Name in Czech: Virtuální realita ve finančním výkaznictví: Jsou účetní ohroženým druhem?
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000851 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Knihová, Ladislava (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Accounting profession; artificial intelligence; augmented reality; business process automation; experiential learning
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 3/3/2023 09:31.
Name in Czech: Vizualizace daktyloskopických stop pomocí vodivých polymerů
Name (in English): The Visualization of Fingerprints using Conducting Polymer Layers
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000506 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Slaninová, Tereza (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Straus, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: fingerprint; conducting polymer; visualization of fingerprint; metal substrate; forensic analysis
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 08:31.
Name in Czech: Vliv chemických látek na degradaci trichologických stop
Name (in English): Influence of chemicals on degradation of trichological traces
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000539 Article in a journal. Czech. Slovakia.
Straus, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: forensic biology; hair; trichology; destruction; acids; hydroxides
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 17/4/2020 08:30.
Name in Czech: Vybrané mezinárodní (nadnárodní) aspekty bezpečnostní problematiky ve vztahu k evropské integraci
Name (in English): Selected international (transnational) aspects of security issues in relation to European integration
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: security; international (multinational) aspect of security; European Defence Community, West European Union; security and defence policy; „shared“ security and defence; security risks
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 15/1/2020 07:14.
Name in Czech: Význam modelování v informatizované společnosti: Implikace pro oblast vzdělávání
Name (in English): The Importance of Modeling in Computerized Society:Implications for Education
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000503 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Řezníček, Václav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: information; knowledge; interpretation; model; education
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 10:53.
Name in Czech: Zasílatelství
Name (in English): Contract on forwarding
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000513 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Sommerová, Taťana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: law ; civil law; Civil Code; forwarding contract
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 14:06.
Name in Czech: Závazkové právo
Name (in English): Law of Obligations
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000530 Book on a specialized topic. Czech. Czech Republic.
Raban, Přemysl (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Hurdík, Jan (203 Czech Republic) -- Srstka, Jiří (203 Czech Republic) -- Schlossberger, Otakar (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: civil code; obligations; contracts
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 09:40.
Name in Czech: Zavedení koncese pro zprostředkovatele finančních produktů
Name (in English): Introduction of the Concession for the Providers of Financial Products
RIV/04274644:_____/19:#0000492 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Chlumská, Zuzana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Schlossberger, Otakar (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Kupec, Václav (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: finance; concession; expertise; financial intermediaries; regulation
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:25.
Name (in English): About the Abuse Options of the Dynamic Biometric Signature
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000443 Proceedings paper. English. Canada.
Smejkal, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Kodl, Jindřich (203 Czech Republic) -- Hortai, František (203 Czech Republic) -- Tesař, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: dynamic biometric signature; forgery of the dynamic biometric signature of another person; static and dynamic characteristics of a signature; security of a dynamic biometric signature
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 4/10/2022 14:06.
Name in Czech: Pokročilé controllingové informační systémy jako nástroj pro soudržnost a konkurenceschopnost Evropské Unie
Name (in English): Advanced Controlling and Information Systems Methods as a Tool for Cohesion and Competitiveness of the European Union
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000351 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Písař, Přemysl (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Havlíček, Karel (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: controlling; management; ERP; Europe Union; SMEs
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 24/7/2019 12:20.
Name in Czech: Kapitálové náklady v podmínkách malých a středních podniků v České Republice: předběžní studie
Name (in English): Cost on Equity in the Condition of SMEs in the Czech Republic: A Preliminary Study
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000326 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Nulíček, Vladimír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Kapitálové náklady; malé a střední podniky; riziková premie; modulární metody
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Ing. Dana Kubíčková, CSc., učo 5028. Changed: 6/4/2020 12:15.
Name in Czech: Uzpůsobování EFL materiálů
Name (in English): Customization of EFL Materials
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000468 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Hronová, Štěpánka (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Customization; Education; English as a Foreign Language (EFL); Teaching and learning materials; Technologies
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 14:37.
Name in Czech: Kyber bezpečnost, poskytování důkazů v kyberprostoru, vyhledávání a zabezpečování digitálních stop
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000496 Article in a journal. English. Slovakia.
Brunová, Markéta (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Cybernetic security; risk analysis; occurrence; types; search; securing the digital traces; evidence; cybercrime
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 11:36.
Name in Czech: HDP a Dynamické parametry intensity a extensity - výpočet pro Česko a Německo za období 1991 - 2017.
Name (in English): GDP and Dynamic Intensity and Extensity Parameters - Calculation for the Czech Republic and Germany in the Period 1991 - 2017
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000325 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Wawrosz, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Mihola, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Kotěšovcová, Jana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: GDP development; Dynamic intensity parameter; Dynamic extensity parameter; Czech Republic; Germany
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 26/7/2022 09:49.
Name in Czech: Jazykové trendy v marketingu a reklamě
Name (in English): Language trends in marketing and advertising
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Marketing communication, idioms, advertising text, emotion, target group, advertisement philosophy, ethical norm, need, promotion, persuation
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 6/1/2020 13:37.
Name in Czech: Treansfer znalostí: příliš vzdálený most?
Name (in English): Learning Transfer: a Bridge Too Far?
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000455 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Knihová, Ladislava (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Pavlát, Vladislav (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Assessment; Innovative training methods; Knowledge transfer; Open education; SMEs.
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 10:37.
Name in Czech: Modelování koordinace zásobovací sítě
Name (in English): Modeling of supply network coordination
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000440 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Majovská, Renata (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Fiala, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
Keywords in English: supply network; coordination; game theory; auctions; contracts
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 14/4/2020 10:29.
Name in Czech: Postgraduální penzijní nadstavba: nástroj podpory aktivního stárnutí
Name (in English): Postgraduate pension system´s extension: support tool for active ageing
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000336 Proceedings paper. English. Poland.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Mihola, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Valenčík, Radim (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Bosák, Jan (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: pensions; active ageing; pension system´s extension
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 3/9/2019 12:28.
Name in Czech: Poznámky ke způsobům řízení územní samosprávy ve Skandinávii a ve Velké Británii
Name (in English): Remarks to the methods of local government management in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: public administration, local government,management,regions, municipalities,counties, dstricts
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Karel Lacina, DrSc., učo 5029. Changed: 18/5/2020 16:15.
Name in Czech: Pražský apelační soud v letech 1548-1620.
Name (in English): The Prague Appellate Court in the Years 1548-1620.
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000611 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Bílý, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: law; appeal; instructions; judicial officer
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2021 15:18.
Name in Czech: Proč není lidský kapitál využíván efektivně?
Name (in English): Why Is not Human Capital Used Effectively?
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000432 Proceedings paper. Czech. Czech Republic.
Jurásek, Miroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Lidský kapitál; Teorie her; Investování do pozic; Modelová hra Titanic
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:54.
Name in Czech: Reforma zdanění příjmů zaměstnanců a OSVČ
Name (in English): Reform of the employee and self-employed income taxation
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000490 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Personal income tax; social security contributions; Hall-Rabushka tax plan; self-employed taxation
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:27.
Name in Czech: Rizika spojená s „dánským scénářem“ zapojení české koruny do ERM II
Name (in English): The risks associated with the “Danish scenario” for the participation of the Czech koruna in the ERM II
RIV/26138077:_____/18:#0000912 Proceedings paper. English. Czech Republic.
Helísek, Mojmír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: euro area enlargement; ERM II; exchange rate; currency crisis
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 13:59.
Name in Czech: Teoretická reflexe vztahu mezi teorií produktivních služeb a sociální praxí
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000555 Article in a journal. English. Bulgaria.
Valenčík, Radim (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Wawrosz, Petr (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: theory; practice; human capital; industry 4.0; productive services
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:50.
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000447 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Jeřábek, Tomáš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Value at Risk; Copula; Risk Management; Asymmetric Dependence
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:31.
Name in Czech: Zaměstnanecké penzijní pojištění jako druhý pilíř penzijního systému
Name (in English): Occupational Pension Schemes as the second pension pillar
RIV/04274644:_____/18:#0000488 Article in a journal. Czech. Czech Republic.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Occupational pension schemes; welfare regimes; pension insurance; pension pillar; defined benefit schemes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:21.
Name in Czech: Český daňový mix a sociální modely zdanění práce
Name (in English): Czech Tax Mix and Welfare Regimes of Labour Taxation
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000427 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Vostatek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Czech tax mix; labour costs; welfare regimes; social security contributions
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:10.
Name in Czech: Determinanty nákupního chování generace Y
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000434 Proceedings paper. English. Slovakia.
Hes, Aleš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Buying behavior; Communication; Digital environment; Generation Y; Marketing.
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 8/4/2020 14:11.
Name in Czech: Changing Implementation of IFRS in Czech SMES: Longitudial study.
Name (in English): Changing Implementation of IFRS in Czech SMES: Longitudial study.
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000430 Proceedings paper. Management, administration and clerical work. English. Czech Republic.
Jindřichovská, Irena (203 Czech Republic) -- Kubíčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: IFRS; Institutional factors; Legal factors; SMEs.
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 9/4/2020 09:39.
Name in Czech: Licenční smlouvy v kontextu nového občanského zákoníku
Name (in English): Licence Agreements in the Context of the New Civil Code
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000426 Proceedings paper. Legal sciences. English. Czech Republic.
Janků, Martin (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Marek, Karel (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: civil law; Commercial Code; Civil Code; licensing agreement; licensor; licensee; royalty
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Mgr. Jitka Štruncová, učo 38491. Changed: 8/6/2022 10:16.
Name (in English): Prepaid Schemes in Czech Health Care System
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000431 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Mertl, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: health insurance; universal health care system; prepaid schemes
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 11:35.
Name in Czech: Výzkum socio-ekonomické situace populace České republiky prostřednictvím makroekonomický faktorů
Name (in English): Research of the socio–economic situation of the population of the Czech republic by way of macroeconomic factors.
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000429 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Mareš, David (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Dlasková, Gabriela (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Gross domestic product; final consumption; expenditure of households; gross national savings;
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Bc. Jan Peterec, učo 24999. Changed: 14/4/2020 12:55.
Name (in English): Using Asymmetric Copulas in Risk Management
RIV/04274644:_____/17:#0000319 Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Jeřábek, Tomáš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Value at Risk; Copula Asymmetric Dependence; GARCH Volatility
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Dominika Moravcová, učo 21787. Changed: 19/5/2020 10:49.