Number of results: 276

Results of 4 selected fields/plans of study
Field of Study/plan
VSFS - Specialization in Law: Law and Business

Abdurakhmanova, Angelina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2017

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: The property right to the real Estate and its acquiring

Afanasyeva, Alexandra

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2018

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Consumer protection in Czech law

Anakina, Anastasia

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2018

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Rent of apartment

Andrlová, Andrea

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2018

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Law and Ethics in the Insurance System

Avgustini, Aurel

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2019

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Termination of employment on the basis of unilateral legal proceeding

Avgustini, Doruntinë

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2019

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Remuneration of employees in commercial companies

Baránek, Pavel

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2016

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Contract of inheritance

Bártová, Kateřina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2021

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Liquidation of the company

Bartuňková, Kateřina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2019

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Alternative family care

Beber, Jan

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2018

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Consumer credits and consumer protection in the law of the EU and CZ

Bednářová, Lenka

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2015

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Material burdens in Czech law

Bechyňová, Lenka

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2015

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Legal obligations of financial institutions in AML

Belorybkina, Olga

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2015

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Legal Regulation of Capital Companies in the Czech Law

Benešová, Hana

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2018

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: The ownership rights to immovable property and its acquisition

Benoni, Gabriela

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2017

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Business name

Beránek, Karel

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2016

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Donation and sponsoring

Beránková, Tereza

(the defence was not successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2021

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Employment contract and establishment of employment relationship

Blatová, Kateřina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2018

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Liquidation of a company

Bohinský, Petr

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2017

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Obtains and loans

Budinská, Karolína

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2019

Programme: Specialization in Law
Field of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Direct democracy in Czech republic