Theses on a related topic (having the same keywords):
pojistna smlouva, rizikovy management, pojistovaci agent, poradenska cinnost, zprostredkovatel pojisteni, odborna zpusobilost, registr pojistovacich zprostredkovatelu, pojistovaci makler, pojistitel, riziko, rizikova zpravaKeywords ordered alphabetically | Keywords ordered by occurrence rate
Klečka, Jakub
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Management and Corporate Finance
Master's thesis defence: Daňové zatížení subjektů pojistného trhu | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Management and Corporate Finance
Master's thesis defence: Daňové zatížení subjektů pojistného trhu | Theses on a related topic
Brandejsová, Zuzana maiden name: Kašparová
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Soukromé pojištění jako služba - analýza pojmu a jeho význam pro pojistitele i pojistníka | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Soukromé pojištění jako služba - analýza pojmu a jeho význam pro pojistitele i pojistníka | Theses on a related topic
Cita, Jiří
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Finance and Financial Services
Master's thesis defence: Klientský přístup pojišťoven při likvidačním procesu | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Finance and Financial Services
Master's thesis defence: Klientský přístup pojišťoven při likvidačním procesu | Theses on a related topic
Gruntová Šnajdrová, Angelika
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojišťovací zprostředkovatel - šance a rizika | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojišťovací zprostředkovatel - šance a rizika | Theses on a related topic
Horák, Radan
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pojišťovací zprostředkovatelé | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pojišťovací zprostředkovatelé | Theses on a related topic
Kmoch, Petr
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pojišťovací zprostředkovatelé a jejich klienti | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pojišťovací zprostředkovatelé a jejich klienti | Theses on a related topic
Korečková, Jana maiden name: Řezáčová
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojišťovací makléř – současné a očekávané postavení na pojistném trhu | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojišťovací makléř – současné a očekávané postavení na pojistném trhu | Theses on a related topic
Krátký, Robert
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Makléřská činnost v pojišťovnictví se zaměřením na analýzu rizika pojistníka | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Makléřská činnost v pojišťovnictví se zaměřením na analýzu rizika pojistníka | Theses on a related topic
Nováková, Petra maiden name: Pospíšilová
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Management and Corporate Finance
Master's thesis defence: Produkty komerčního pojištění a jejich účetní a daňová specifika | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Management and Corporate Finance
Master's thesis defence: Produkty komerčního pojištění a jejich účetní a daňová specifika | Theses on a related topic
Račková, Sabina
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojišťovací zprostředkovatel - šance a rizika vývoje | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojišťovací zprostředkovatel - šance a rizika vývoje | Theses on a related topic
Vykonal, Michal
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojišťovací zprostředkovatelé - šance a rizika vývoje | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojišťovací zprostředkovatelé - šance a rizika vývoje | Theses on a related topic
Beran, Miloš
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojistný podvod v pojištění motorových vozidel | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojistný podvod v pojištění motorových vozidel | Theses on a related topic
Brádler, Ferdinand
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Technické a právní normy uplatňované při vypracovávání znaleckých posudků vozidel, jejich význam pro pojistníka a pojistitele | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Technické a právní normy uplatňované při vypracovávání znaleckých posudků vozidel, jejich význam pro pojistníka a pojistitele | Theses on a related topic
Brejchová, Tereza
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Management and Corporate Finance
Master's thesis defence: Finanční zatížení podniků pojištěním zákonným, pojištěním smluvním a podnikatelských rizik | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Management and Corporate Finance
Master's thesis defence: Finanční zatížení podniků pojištěním zákonným, pojištěním smluvním a podnikatelských rizik | Theses on a related topic
Buraltová, Anna
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pojištění občanských rizik | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pojištění občanských rizik | Theses on a related topic
Dobišová, Magdalena maiden name: Hassanová
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Role a postavení úrazového pojištění na českém pojistném trhu | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Role a postavení úrazového pojištění na českém pojistném trhu | Theses on a related topic
Falta, Jiří
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pojistný podvod v pojišťovnictví | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pojistný podvod v pojišťovnictví | Theses on a related topic
Farbiaková, Renata
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza pojištění majetku občanů na pojistném trhu v ČR | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza pojištění majetku občanů na pojistném trhu v ČR | Theses on a related topic
Filip, Stanislav
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing Communication
Bachelor's thesis defence: Uplatnění marketingu ve službách se zaměřením na propagaci ve službách společností ČPP | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Marketing Communication
Bachelor's thesis defence: Uplatnění marketingu ve službách se zaměřením na propagaci ve službách společností ČPP | Theses on a related topic
Holý, Libor
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Náhrada škody poškozeným z odpovědnostního pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Náhrada škody poškozeným z odpovědnostního pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Horák, Daniel
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Soukromé pojištění jako služba - analýza pojmu a jeho význam pro pojistitele i pojistníka | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Soukromé pojištění jako služba - analýza pojmu a jeho význam pro pojistitele i pojistníka | Theses on a related topic
Hrabal, Pavel
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Finance and Financial Services (combination/specialization: Insurance Industry)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Změny v živelním pojištění pojistitelů ČR v důsledku katastrofických povodní | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Finance and Financial Services (combination/specialization: Insurance Industry)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Změny v živelním pojištění pojistitelů ČR v důsledku katastrofických povodní | Theses on a related topic
Hrdlička, Milan
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Finance and Financial Services
Master's thesis defence: Makléřská činnost v pojišťovnictví se zaměřením na aktuální postavení makléře na pojistném trhu | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Finance and Financial Services
Master's thesis defence: Makléřská činnost v pojišťovnictví se zaměřením na aktuální postavení makléře na pojistném trhu | Theses on a related topic
Hroudová, Ivana
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Management and Corporate Finance
Master's thesis defence: Metodika interních auditů kvality dle normy ISO 19011 v systému managementu kvality firmy Fresenius Medical Care Česká republika, spol. s r.o. | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Management and Corporate Finance
Master's thesis defence: Metodika interních auditů kvality dle normy ISO 19011 v systému managementu kvality firmy Fresenius Medical Care Česká republika, spol. s r.o. | Theses on a related topic
Hymplová, Barbora
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza pojištění majetku občanů na pojistném trhu v ČR | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza pojištění majetku občanů na pojistném trhu v ČR | Theses on a related topic
Hymplová, Barbora
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Nároky pojištěných z havarijního pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Nároky pojištěných z havarijního pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Janouch, Robert
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojistný trh v ČR | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojistný trh v ČR | Theses on a related topic
Kapr, Ladislav
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Investiční a kapitálové životní pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Investiční a kapitálové životní pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Kmoch, Petr
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Úloha a kvalita pojišťovacích makléřů na pojistném trhu v ČR | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Úloha a kvalita pojišťovacích makléřů na pojistném trhu v ČR | Theses on a related topic
Krátký, Robert
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojišťovací makléř – současné a očekávané postavení na pojistném trhu | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojišťovací makléř – současné a očekávané postavení na pojistném trhu | Theses on a related topic
Kratochvíl, Filip
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Finance and Financial Services
Master's thesis defence: Jak nejlépe finančně zabezpečit svůj majetek proti požárům | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Finance and Financial Services
Master's thesis defence: Jak nejlépe finančně zabezpečit svůj majetek proti požárům | Theses on a related topic
Kreidl, Svatopluk
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Vývoj na pojistném trhu majetkového pojištění občanů v souvislosti se zvýšeným výskytem živelních škod | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Vývoj na pojistném trhu majetkového pojištění občanů v souvislosti se zvýšeným výskytem živelních škod | Theses on a related topic
Krondlová, Markéta
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Kapitálové, investiční a rizikové pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Kapitálové, investiční a rizikové pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Kubič, Jakub
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Management and Corporate Finance (combination/specialization: Business Management)
Master's thesis defence: Podniková rizika a možnost jejich zajištění prostřednictvím pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Business Management and Corporate Finance (combination/specialization: Business Management)
Master's thesis defence: Podniková rizika a možnost jejich zajištění prostřednictvím pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Láníková, Jana maiden name: Hrnčířová
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pojištění právní ochrany | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pojištění právní ochrany | Theses on a related topic
Maleček, Leoš
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Nároky pojištěných z havarijního pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Nároky pojištěných z havarijního pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Nedomová, Lucie
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Likvidační proces a pojistný podvod v pojištění vozidel | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Likvidační proces a pojistný podvod v pojištění vozidel | Theses on a related topic
Olbrich, Martin
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Skladba pojistných produktů v pojištění odpovědnosti za škodu podnikatelských rizik a srovnání s pojistným trhem Evropské unie | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Skladba pojistných produktů v pojištění odpovědnosti za škodu podnikatelských rizik a srovnání s pojistným trhem Evropské unie | Theses on a related topic
Olbrich, Martin
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Úpis průmyslových podnikatelských rizik | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Úpis průmyslových podnikatelských rizik | Theses on a related topic
Paur, Tomáš
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Distribuční sítě v pojišťovnictví ČR, jejich analýza a srovnání se stavem v zemích EHP | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Distribuční sítě v pojišťovnictví ČR, jejich analýza a srovnání se stavem v zemích EHP | Theses on a related topic
Pospíšilová, Petra
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojišťovací makléř – úpis rizik a likvidace pojistných událostí | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Pojišťovací makléř – úpis rizik a likvidace pojistných událostí | Theses on a related topic
Prošková, Jolana
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Finance and Financial Services (combination/specialization: Insurance Industry)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pojistný podvod v pojišťovnictví, analýza pojmu a jeho význam pro pojistníky a pojistitele | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Finance and Financial Services (combination/specialization: Insurance Industry)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Pojistný podvod v pojišťovnictví, analýza pojmu a jeho význam pro pojistníky a pojistitele | Theses on a related topic
Süsser, Robert
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Solventnost II jako nástroj pojistitele ke komplexnímu řízení rizik společnosti | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Solventnost II jako nástroj pojistitele ke komplexnímu řízení rizik společnosti | Theses on a related topic
Šrámková, Hana
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Makléřská činnost v pojišťovnictví se zaměřením na analýzu rizika pojistníka | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Makléřská činnost v pojišťovnictví se zaměřením na analýzu rizika pojistníka | Theses on a related topic
Tichá, Andrea
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Finance and Financial Services
Master's thesis defence: Životní pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Finance and Financial Services
Master's thesis defence: Životní pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Veverková, Barbora
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza rizik mezinárodního přepravce | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza rizik mezinárodního přepravce | Theses on a related topic
Vlčková, Vladimíra maiden name: Doová
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economics and Management
Master's thesis defence: Krizové řízení a možnost nalezení nových příležitostí ve středně velkém podniku | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economics and Management
Master's thesis defence: Krizové řízení a možnost nalezení nových příležitostí ve středně velkém podniku | Theses on a related topic
Vodrážka, Josef
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Kapitálové, investiční a rizikové životní pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Kapitálové, investiční a rizikové životní pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Vodrážka, Josef
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Kapitálové, investiční a rizikové pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Kapitálové, investiční a rizikové pojištění | Theses on a related topic
Vohralík, Michal
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Úpis průmyslových majetkových rizik | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: University of Finance and Administration
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Insurance Industry
Master's thesis defence: Úpis průmyslových majetkových rizik | Theses on a related topic