Number of results: 270
Results of 4 selected fields/plans of studyIgnaťuková, Lýdie
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2017
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Lease and tenure - general concept, key differences
Ihnatova, Viktoriia
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2020
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Apartment rental
Ivanova, Valeriya
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2018
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Protection against cruelty to animals in the Czech legal order
Jahoda, Josef
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2019
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Atypical employment
Jakešová, Lenka
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2018
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Liquidation of Company
Janouchová, Jana
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2015
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Supreme Audit Office and its activities
Janušková, Gabriela
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2014
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Consumer Protection Law within Czech Legal Order
Jarošová, Tereza
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2016
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Inheritance contract
Jelínek, Lukáš
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2017
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: The tax administrators procedure for taxes recovery and taxes collection processes
Jirásková, Zlatica
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2015
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Forms of the debtor's bankruptcy
Jirků, Michaela
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2016
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Common property
Jírová, Anna
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2018
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: System of Private Law - Cicil Law and Commercial Law - Historical Development, Current Status, Relationships, The New Civil Code of Law ( Law num. 89/2012 Col.) as General Codex
Jodasová, Andrea
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2018
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: The direct election of the President of the CZ and in France
Johnová, Vlasta
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2017
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Contract for work in development from a position of contractor of a work
Kabelková, Dana
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2015
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Legislation consumer protection in Czech law
Kafuněk, Michal
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2018
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Analysis of Electronic Registration of Sales
Kalanin, Marek
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2017
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: The constitutional position of local governments in the Czech Republic
Kalianko, Oliver
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2018
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Company liquidation
Kalmykov, Valentin
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2019
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Consumer contracts and their use in practice
Kastlová, Anna
(the defence was successful)Bachelor's Studies, University of Finance and Administration, 2017
Programme: Specialization in LawField of Study: Law and Business
Bachelor's thesis: Individual inheritance titles